Budapest, or Soaking in the past

Hello stranger.
Sun is slowly laying on the horizon, ready to sleep, and I'm just sitting here contemplating its journey. I'm glad we met again, if you want to sit with me for a couple of minutes, I'd be glad to tell you a story.

Have you ever had the chance to travel back in time?

After years away, I find myself back in the heart of Budapest, a city that holds the echoes of my past. This time, though, it’s different. I’ve been given a rare gift—a chance to create a bracket in time, to revisit the moments I left behind and fill the voids that have long haunted my heart.

My journey begins at St. Stephen's Basilica, an architectural marvel that stands as a testament to the city’s spiritual and historical depth. As I step inside, the grandeur of the cathedral envelops me. The soaring ceilings, intricate mosaics, and the soft glow of candlelight create an atmosphere of reverence and reflection. It’s here, in this sacred space, that I feel a profound connection to the countless souls who have found solace within these walls.


I make my way to the Parliament of Budapest. The imposing neo-Gothic structure stands as a symbol of the nation’s history and resilience. As I gaze up at its spires reaching towards the sky, I feel a connection to the generations of Hungarians who have walked these streets, each contributing to the tapestry of the city’s rich heritage.


However, the same beauty that we can feel is often the result of the immense suffering of those who had to fight so that we could appreciate it. And there is no limit, as shown by the monument next to the Parliament, to the human capacity to create pain for others.


As I walk through the grand halls of the National Museum, I am enveloped by the stories of ages past, each artifact whispering secrets of a time gone by. The museum, with its majestic architecture and rich history, feels like a portal to my own memories, each step taking me deeper into my own narrative.

As I wander, I come upon the piano that once belonged to Franz Liszt. Standing before it, I feel an uncanny presence, as if the great Hungarian composer himself is there with me. His voice echoes in my mind, speaking of the price of greatness, the sacrifices made for the immortality of one's art.


His words guide my gaze to the wall adorned with the crowns of Immortal Hungarian personalities, each representing a legacy forged through passion and perseverance. I see my reflection on the glass, I craved for greatness in my early days, I wanted to be remembered for my great actions, but sometimes, somewhere, I lost my light and wandered in the dark for years. WIll I ever find it again?


Strolling along the riverside, I am captivated by the beauty of the Danube, its waters reflecting the bridges that connect Buda and Pest, just as they connect the fragments of my own soul. The gentle murmur of the river is a soothing reminder of the constancy amidst change, of the enduring flow of life.


As the sun sets, I find myself drawn to the vibrant ruin bars in the Jewish neighborhood. These eclectic spaces, filled with the energy of countless stories and emotions, are a testament to resilience and creativity. Amidst the lively chatter and the clinking of glasses, I dive into the atmosphere, allowing myself to be carried away by the present reanimating the past.


The night embraces the city, and embraces me, and under the beauty of the midnight sky, the shades of the buildings reflects the folds of my soul. I am unnoticed through the people, guided by a tender and affectionate presence on my side, nostalgic reminder of the flowing of time.


So my journey ends, and the morning after I come back to the present time with my emotions and soul renewed. In these moments, I have not just been a visitor to Budapest; I was part of its timeless rhythm. This journey, both physical and emotional, is my way of bridging the gaps, of finding closure and new beginnings. It’s a reminder that sometimes, to move forward, we must first go back and embrace the echoes of our old souls.
I'm now ready to meet the future, and eventually this city will cross my path again.

Farewell, stranger

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