Penguin, Tasmania, Australia

The Uniting Church, built 1903.
The Uniting Church, built 1903.

Penguin township? Yeah, I had never heard of it either. I was searching through all the accommodation websites looking for somewhere decent for us to stay, checking all the distances to and from the other places we wanted to visit and trying to tick as many boxes as I could for things we like to do. Penguin was the first place to jump out (I think Penguins can jump, lol) because of some great value-for-money, beachfront accommodation. It was also nicely situated within the days we had and distances we were hoping to travel.

So that’s what’s inside Doctors Who’s Tartis Police Box: a free exchange book library!
So that's what's inside Doctors Who's Tartis Police Box: a free exchange book library!

The Big Penguin. Strangely it seems the town was named after the Small Fairy Penguin but nowadays they only visit some well protected Nature Reserves elsewhere on the island. Seems the urban sprawl has scared them away.
The Big Penguin. Strangely it seems the town was named after the Small Fairy Penguin but nowadays they only visit some well protected Nature Reserves elsewhere on the island. Seems the urban sprawl has scared them away.

Blue skies, locals’ gardens and a view of one of the small beaches in town.
Blue skies, locals' gardens and a view of one of the small beaches in town.

The same Watson’s beach with different lovely flowers in the foreground. You can see the train line that runs right by people’s houses and this beach.
The same Watson's beach with different lovely flowers in the foreground. You can see the train line that runs right by people's houses and this beach.

I didn’t realize the train line was still in use until I heard the horn and the twice-a-day-freight-train rumbled past.
I didn't realize the train line was still in use until I heard the horn and the twice-a-day-freight-train rumbled past.

There it is; rolling right past our accommodation.
There it is; rolling right past our accommodation.

Penguin, Tasmania: a long way from anywhere.
Penguin, Tasmania: a long way from anywhere.

Awesome rock formations on the beach at low tide.
Awesome rock formations on the beach at low tide.

Every seaside town seems to have seagulls.
 Every seaside town seems to have seagulls.

And the beaches there were full of smooth, round, worn rocks of various colours. It made the beach look like a work of art.
And the beaches there were full of smooth, round, worn rocks of various colours. It made the beach look like a work of art.

Tasmanian Nativehen (a flightless bird that is found only on this island)
Tasmanian Nativehen (a flightless bird that is found only on this island)

A windmill; a tribute to Dutch migrants.
A windmill; a tribute to Dutch migrants.

I did some more exploring while Caroline rested.
I did some more exploring while Caroline rested.

How cool: free loan beach toys. ”Please return after use,” was all that was asked.
How cool: free loan beach toys. "Please return after use," was all that was asked.

A local craft beer at the local pub.
A local craft beer at the local pub.

The ocean tide goes out a long way in these parts and makes for some great photos.
The ocean tide goes out a long way in these parts and makes for some great photos.

A prefect sunset to finish off.
 A prefect sunset to finish off.

Next stop Strahan, on the West Coast of Tassie!

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