Pictures From My Trip For You to Compare The Nigerian Countryside with The City

Hey guys! Happy whatever season/period it is where you are! 😃

I'm back to Hive after some months of being away. I've come and gone quite a number of times so I think the announcement posts about being back has gotten old/hackneyed. Lol.

Let's just dive right into me making a post, shall we?

Nice to be back!

I've just made a lil trip by road from my country's capital called Abuja (The middle of Nigeria) to another city called Enugu (South-eastern part of Nigeria).


By road, this trip takes about 9 hours, and passes through a number of cities and villages/rural areas/countrysides.

In order to not be bored, this time I decided to take pictures out the window. I thought it would be interesting to bring these pictures to an International platform such as Hive to show people from other different parts of the world what Nigeria really looks like.

In particular to show people what the Countryside looks like and what the Cities look like. I thought that such a juxtaposition would be interesting. Don't you agree?

So here we go:

The Countryside

First, these are houses quite similar to the houses built in Africa before the colonization of Africa.

They're mostly made with Clay soil, and used to have thatched roof, but now they mostly have iron roofs.

There were also some modern houses in the Countryside:

This here is a Mosque:

This one is a church:

The City

Sadly I got just few pictures from the City cos it got darker when I arrived. But you sure can make that juxtaposition with these. You've also made some juxtaposition already cos the difference between some of the buildings from the Countryside are miles apart in some cases.

These are from the city of Enugu, though, because Abuja, being the Capital of Nigeria is a more sophisticated City.

The End

Hi there, my novella Professor Otagburuagu just got published. It promises to be thoroughly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Written by myself and illustrated by Scandinavian artist @katharsisdrill. You can get it from me for just 4 HBD.

You can also order the hard copy from anywhere in the world via this link:

I'm counting on your patronage, thank you!

Roll with @nevies, I run a Humor, deeper thoughts, and sex talk blog here on Hive🌚

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