Getting to Know the Exoticism of Padar Island

Talking about the beauty of Labuan Bajo will never end. This island, witch is located in West Manggarai Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Provinces; has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations during Sailing Komodo Tours with natural views that are very pleasing to the eye.

Padar Island, is one of the most of the most beautiful island in The Komodo National Park area which is getting more and more popular day by day. Why is that, because every day this island is increasingly visited by tourists, both domestic tourists and foreign tourists.

The third largest island in The Komodo National Park area is approximately 3 hours from Labuan Bajo. To go to Padar Island, you can use a rented boat or taken an open trip to this island.


Padar Island has a climate that is quite hot and sometimes dusty. Padar also has beautiful white sand, there are bushes and trees and meadows that cover the island, and this island also has four very deep bays too.



Visiting Padar Island we should prepare good energy and physical. Not only that, it’s also good to be supported by a good mentality too. Why is that ? Because we are going to the top of Padar Island. Trekking uphill with a slope 45 degrees as far as approximately 1 kilometer we will pass. There are hundred of stairs made of wood and stone that we will pass until of the way to the top. With such terrain condition, it is desirable to choose shoes, pants, and clothes that are comfortable to use.



Some tourists hunt for sunrise views on this island. Those who follow the Sailing Komodo Tour usually spend the night on a ship not far from the shore. Early in the morning the tourists docked to the island for further trekking to the top of Padar Island before sunrise. But some are also hunting sunset views on Padar Island. The view of sunset at the top of Padar Island is one of the most amazing things.




Arriving at the top of Padar Island, we will see a wide expanse of hills with green views that are beautiful to the eye; as if paying off all the fatiguefelt when trekking to the top. The cool and fresh air make you feel at home for a long time enjoying the beauty of Padar Island.




Beside Padar Island, in The Komodo National Park area there are 2 other islands, namely Rinca Island and Komodo Island. To see Komodo Dragons, one of these rare ancient animals, we can visit the two island which are not so far from Padar Island.

All photos used in this post are taken by my self

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