Seeking Blessings: A Pilgrimage to Simala Shrine, Cebu, Philippines


Last Saturday was a day to remember for my sister and me - we had the opportunity to visit the Simala Shrine situated in upper Lindogon, Simala, Sibonga, Cebu. The last time I visited this magnificent place was during my grade 12 school trip, which was before the pandemic. I was extremely excited to see the church again. This time, we were vacationing in my sister's husband's hometown in Argao, which is situated close to the Simala Shrine. Although visiting the church was not initially a part of our plans, we couldn't resist the opportunity to explore the place since it was just a motorcycle ride away from where we were staying.


If you're coming from the city, you can take a van to the Simala Shrine, which is situated a few hours away. However, let me assure you that the long journey is definitely worth it. As soon as we arrived at the Simala Shrine, we were awestruck by the grandeur of the Church. The intricate details of the architecture, the breathtaking view of the surrounding hills, and the serene atmosphere left us spellbound. We spent the whole day exploring the church grounds, admiring the artwork and sculptures, and attending mass.



During my visit to this place after a gap of about four years, I was completely awestruck by the incredible transformation it had undergone. I had always found this place beautiful, but now it had become even more stunning with its remarkable growth and impressive structures. Every aspect of it, from the architecture to the scenery, had been enhanced to create a truly breathtaking experience.


One of the highlights of the place is the statue of the Miraculous Virgin Mary, which is truly a sight to behold. It's not surprising that it attracts a lot of visitors, and so you may need to wait in line for your turn to see it. But believe me, the wait is definitely worth it. The statue is a work of art, and the attention to detail is simply remarkable.

I would highly recommend that anyone visiting the area make the effort to visit this place, even if it's located far from the city. The stunning scenery, impressive architecture, and the awe-inspiring statue of the Miraculous Virgin Mary make it a must-see destination.


On that particular day, I was overcome with a profound sense of joy and contentment as I journeyed back to a place that held a special place in my heart. After spending a considerable time away from this place, I had a chance to revisit it and it felt like a dream come true for me. This place has always held an immense significance for me, and I had always wished to come back here after completing my studies. But destiny had other plans for me, and I had to wait for this moment to arrive.


The church that I visited on that day holds a special hall where devout believers of the Virgin Mary post messages and testimonials. As I read through these messages, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the countless stories of people whose prayers were answered through the intercession of Mary. Many of them shared their experiences of physical and emotional healing, which they attribute solely to the power of Mary's intercession. It was truly inspiring to witness the unwavering faith of these individuals and their profound devotion to the Virgin Mary.


During my recent visit to Simala, I had the opportunity to visit Dagkutanan. It's a sacred place where people go to pray and make offerings to the Virgin Mary. I was intrigued by the different colors of candles available there, each symbolizing a different prayer or intention. After much contemplation, I decided to choose a green candle, which signifies success. I prayed that my internship would be successful, and that I would be able to contribute my best to the organization I'll be working with.


It was interesting to learn about the meaning behind the different colors of candles. The white candle represents purity, while the black one is for those who want to pray for the departed souls of their loved ones. The gold candle is believed to have healing properties, while the pink one is for seeking blessings. The yellow candle represents peace, while the red one symbolizes love. The gray candle is meant for those seeking deliverance, while the brown one represents vocation. The blue candle is for those who want to persevere in their endeavors.

It was a beautiful experience, and I hope that my prayers are heard and my intentions are fulfilled. I aim to pass all my subjects and graduate this year, and I believe that with faith, hard work, and determination, anything is possible. I was filled with gratitude as I realized how blessed I was to have this opportunity to revisit this place even before my graduation. As I walked around, I was overwhelmed with a flood of memories and emotions that I thought I had long forgotten. I promised myself that I would return here once again after graduating. I realized that this place has a special charm that cannot be found anywhere else, and I want to come back and fully appreciate its significance.

It was a memorable experience that we will cherish for a long time. I hope to visit the Simala Shrine again in the future and relive the magic of this magnificent place.

During my visit I made sure to explore all parts of the church to make the most of my experience although it had been a long time since my last visit I could still appreciate the ongoing renovations that have made. And if youre planning to visit the simala shrine make sure to take your time exploring all the places of this magnificent church.

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