🥦Mizuo's Travel Blog🥦No.50 - Campeche, Mexico 🇲🇽 - Oct. 2023

What a beautiful city, Campeche! 🇲🇽🇲🇽
What a beautiful city, Campeche! 🇲🇽🇲🇽

Everyday Life in Campeche, Mexico

Campeche's climate is tropical, similar to that of Ishigaki Island in Japan, the Philippines in Southeast Asia, and Cuba and Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea. The temperature was warm and sunny, ranging from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and it rarely dropped below 20 degrees Celsius, even in November, so I wore short sleeves and short pants during my stay. I think I spent more days wearing flip-flops than shoes. In Sweden, November is the month when the temperature begins to drop, the sun sets around 4:00 p.m., and the days gradually get shorter, and the sun hides behind clouds more often. Compared to this, I was able to spend the month of November in Mexico, where the sun shines warmly every day, and I felt as if we really live on the same planet. In Sweden, November is the time when the leaves start changing colors to red and yellow and the trees around us are beginning to shed their leaves in preparation for the long winter to come. All the flowers wither away and the trees bear fruit for the winter. In Mexico, on the other hand, the bougainvillea flowers were in full bloom and there were many other colorful flowers in full bloom, which were very beautiful.


First, I decided to take a walk and sightsee in the suburbs of Campeche, where my friend lives. I like to walk around a newly arrived town and find out what kind of things are sold and how much they cost in that town, and I always try to stop by local stores when I travel. When I came to Mexico, I thought, "This is very Mexican!" One thing that struck me as very "Mexican!" was the fact that the locals let their dogs run free without collars. In Japan and Sweden, it is considered a "pet" to buy a dog with a collar, but in Mexico, it seems to be the Mexican style to leave the dog unattended. When I asked my friend's wife why, she replied, "Don't you feel sorry for putting a collar on them? After all, freedom is the best." At first I was a little surprised to see dogs barking and approaching me, but when I saw them napping in the warm weather, I realized that this is the Mexican style, and that "If you are where the locals do, you must follow as the locals do." (When in Mexico, do as the Mexicans do.) 😇


Can you find a cat in the pic??

What do you want to eat?

A friend of mine is a chef, and when I visit him at Campeche, he asks me, "What do you want to eat?" One of the great pleasures of my visit to Mexico was to eat my friend's home-cooked food. When I replied, "I want to eat homemade Mexican food," he promised to cook me a variety of Mexican dishes while I was there. Am I the only one who associates Mexican food with tacos and nachos? When I requested tacos and nachos to start with, he took me to a nearby place that makes tortillas. In Mexico, there is a place where tortillas are baked every day, and customers line up early in the morning. It would be a place like a bakery in Europe. We needed tortillas to make tacos and nachos, so we went to the tortilla shop first, taking a walk around the neighborhood. The lady was very kind, and even though I could not speak a word of Spanish, she was able to help me with a smile and understood what I wanted to have. (Well, body language helps! LOL!) After that, I went to this tortilla shop many times during my stay and became acquainted with the ladies there. They are so kind. My favorite tortilla place in Campeche. 😉


This is a local tortilla shop run by a couple of ladies and a guy. It seems that every town in Mexico has a tortilla store like this one. Some people grill tortillas at home every day, but it seems that most people eat tortillas bought at such stores. The price is very reasonable, about 30 pesos to 50 pesos for a bag of about 20 tortillas.


Later, I went to the local market with my friend's children to buy ingredients for tacos and nachos. At that time, they were selling cactus leaves, which are very rare for me, as an ingredient. I thought to myself, "If I come to Mexico, I want to eat something that can only be found in Mexico!" So I immediately asked my friend to make me something using the cactus. It seems to be very common in Mexico to use cactus as an ingredient, so I decided to buy some and make nachos with them. This was the first time in my life that I had eaten cactus! I was really excited to see what it tasted like as I strolled around the market for the first time. Just then, there were also "Day of the Dead" decorations and the market was filled with orange, with marigolds as the base color.


Let's prepare for tacos! 

My friend's oldest daughter is very interested in the food her father cooks and always helps him when he is cooking in the kitchen. She learned how to crack eggs and helped me fry the cracked eggs in a frying pan. The sausages we bought at the local market were her daughters' favorite, and they would often put them in the eggs to make tacos. As expected of a professional chef, he was very deft, and as I watched my friend quickly prepare one dish after another, I was very excited to see what he would come up with. I remember when we lived together in the dormitory as students, we cooked together like this and I was in charge of washing dishes. It is a good memory from my school days. It was very fun to hang out with our friends at the dorm chatting in English and that was how I learned English from him. Thanks, buddy! Well, and then, I've got some Southern accents, which I didn't expect at the time, but well, well. LOL! 


Amazing!!! So darn tasty!!! Well done!!
Amazing!!! So darn tasty!!! Well done!! 

Let's prepare for nachos next!

First, chop the cactus you bought into small pieces. Chop the onions and tomatoes in the same way and saute them together with the chopped cactus. The cactus leaves may still have thorns on them, so check them properly and remove all the thorns beforehand before chopping. The cactus turned bright yellow-green in color when pan-fried, a very appetizing shade. When I picked up the fried cactus, it was a bit slimy and had a texture similar to okra. This is delicious! I love okra! 


Wow! I love it so much!! Tasty!
Wow! I love it so much!! Tasty! 


Cerveza!!! This is the Spanish word for beer, and I think the important thing in Mexico is to master this word. "Una cerveza, por favor!" If you can say this, I think you will enjoy your stay in Mexico first of all. We talked about the old days over beer, and as I told my friend's wife about my school days and how we spent our school days, I remembered the faces of our friends from school and was filled with nostalgia. Tacos, tortillas, and cerveza! It was Mexican food at its best. Loved it so much! Thanks, bro. 

Cerveza!! これはスペイン語でビールを意味する言葉ですが、メキシコで大切なのがこの言葉をマスターすることだ思います。とにかく熱いので、メキシコに滞在していた時はほぼ毎日、友人とビールを飲んでいました。Una cerveza, por favor!! これを言えたらまずはメキシコでの滞在が楽しくなると思います。ビールを飲みながら昔話に花を咲かせ、学生時代の話を友人の奥さんに話しながらどんな学生時代を送ったかを語っていると学生時代の友人たちの顔を思い出し懐かしさでいっぱいになりました。タコス、トルティーヤ、そしてビール!!最高のメキシコ料理でした。

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦


🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦

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🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - 苦

🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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