🥦Mizuo's Travel Blog🥦No.34 - Happa to Mame, Japanese cafe in Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱 - Apr. 2023

Macha lemonade and sesame mochi sweets 🙌
Macha lemonade and sesame mochi sweets 🙌

I went to Poland to see a friend!🇵🇱

The travel restrictions imposed by Covid19 have changed the behavioral patterns of many people, and perhaps one of the most significant effects has been international travel.

A friend of mine moved to Poland, but I was not able to visit him. The tightening of restrictions on overseas travel due to the Corona has kept me from traveling abroad more and more, but at last, the atmosphere in Europe is beginning to permeate a new era of overcoming the Corona and moving forward into a new era. People are finally getting over the Corona and moving on to a new era in Europe. People are no longer wearing masks and traveling abroad has finally returned to normal.

We also decided to go abroad for the first time in a long time. And of course, the first destination we decided on was Poland.

This is our first time to fly with LOT Polish Airlines!
Warsaw!! Hello, Poland!!

After all, traveling abroad is naturally exciting, isn't it? As we got older, it became harder and harder to feel excitement, but traveling to Poland for the first time in our lives brought it back to us. 😄👍

The longer I lived in Sweden, the more I became accustomed to the Scandinavian climate, which made me realize when I traveled to Poland. In Stockholm, the temperature was around 5 degrees Celsius, but when I arrived in Warsaw, the temperature was over 15 degrees Celsius in the spring, and the coat I was wearing felt very hot. 

Relax Cafe Bar Centrum, Warsaw

Street art in Warsaw, Poland

Relax Cafe Bar Centrum 


It was so hot in my coat that I took it off and bought a lighter spring coat from Uniqlo, which I found by chance.

It was a 2-hour flight from Stockholm to Warsaw, and I was planning to sleep well during the flight, but as bad luck would have it, a passenger who talked NON STOP for 2 hours sat behind me, and I could not sleep at all.

I was getting a headache, so I decided to go to a cafe called "Relax Cafe Bar Centrum" and take a short nap. Then I saw the Uniqlo logo from inside the store and decided to buy a light coat. 

The staff at the cafe were really nice and treated us kindly even though we could not speak Polish. We really appreciated it. In Stockholm, where the service is not so good, this kind of service is not so common.

Polish beer!!!!

Tyskie - my favorite Polish beer


It was pretty good!
My first Polish beer!
Fries saved us!

Happa to Mame (Leaf and Bean)

A Japanese style cafe in Warsaw, Poland


Then I went to visit a cafe run by a friend to see a friend, which was my main purpose for coming to Poland.

They have recently expanded to Warsaw. Originally run in Poznan, they decided to expand to Warsaw as the popularity of the café grew.

I don't mean to patronize my friend, but the matcha latte, dorayaki, and rice cakes served at the cafe were really delicious.

Zen garden in the cafe~~~ Cool!
It seems that it is very popular among locals!
Macha lemonade and seasme mochi
This is Macha latte and strawberry mochi sweets
This is my favorite! Dorayaki!!!

Personally, I thought the dorayaki was really perfect and very tasty. I was very proud of my friend who gathered Japanese ingredients and offered such high quality Japanese sweets in a foreign country called Poland. I sincerely hope that this café will further deepen the friendship between Poland and Japan.

If you live in Warsaw and are interested in Japan or Asia, I highly recommend you visit. Even if you are not interested in Japan or Asia right now, I hope you will go to Happa to Mame cafe, eat some Japanese sweets, drink some green tea juice, and feel Japan.

Happa to mame




友達がポーランドへ引っ越ししたのですが、なかなか会いに行くことが出来ませんでした。 コロナによる海外渡航の規制が強化され、ますます海外旅行が遠のいていたのですが、やっと欧州ではコロナを乗り越え新しい時代へ進んでいく雰囲気が浸透し始めています。 マスクを着用する人もほとんどいなくなり、海外旅行を行うことが普通の事としてやっと戻ってきました。

そしてわたし達も久しぶりに海外旅行へ行くことへしました。 そして、もちろん初めに決めた渡航先はポーランドでした。

やっぱり海外旅行に行くと、おのずとワクワクしますよね。 年を重ねることでなかなかワクワク感じなくなってきた中、人生で初めて行くポーランド旅行はわたしたちにワクワク感を取り戻してくれました。

スウェーデンでの生活する時間が長くなるにつれ、北欧の気候に慣れてきたとポーランドへ旅行に行って新ためて感じました。 ストックホルムでは5度前後の気温でしたが、着いたワルシャワでは15度を超える春の気温で着ていたコートがとても暑く感じました。


ストックホルムからワルシャワへは飛行機で2時間で、飛行中はぐっすり寝ようと思っていたのですが、運が悪く2時間NON STOPで話し続ける搭乗客が後ろに座り、全然寝れませんでした。

そこで、すこし頭痛もしてきたので、「Relax Cafe Bar Centrum」というカフェにって、少し仮眠をすることにしました。そして、ちょうど店内から見えていたUniqloのロゴを見て、薄手のコートを買うことを決めました。





個人的にはどら焼きの完成度が本当に高く、すごくおいしいと思いました。 ポーランドと言う外国の地において、日本の具材を集めてここまで質の高い和菓子を提供している友人をとても誇らしく思いました。 このカフェを通してポーランドと日本の親交がますます深まればよいと切に願わずには入れませんでした。

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦



🍣🥦 Cross Culture - /created/hive-181017 🍣🥦


By http://www.slimjimstudios.com/

💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - 苦

🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝


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