🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.21 - Dog sledding, Kiruna, Sweden - Dec. 2020


Dog Sledding in the Middle of the Night


It may sound a bit exaggerated, but I have a list of things that I want to do while I am alive.

・I want to go to Easter Island. 🗿🗿

・I want to go cruising around the world. 🛳

・I want to go to Cebu Island and swim with whale sharks. 🐋🐋

・I want to do whale watching.🐳🐳

・I want to go to Congo to see mountain gorillas.🊍🊍


One of the things on the list was "I want to see the Northern Lights". I had heard that seeing the aurora borealis was a very precious experience, and I thought it would be difficult to see it, but I thought I would be very lucky if I could see it while dog sledding, so I booked a dog sledding experience for the night.








その䞭にリストに、「オヌロラを芋おみたい」ず蚀うのがありたした。 オヌロラを芋るのはずおも貎重な䜓隓ず聞いおいお、なかなか芋るのは難しいだろうなぁずは思っおいたのですが、もしかしお犬ぞりをしながら芋れたらこれはかなりラッキヌず思い、犬ぞり䜓隓を倜に予玄したした。


Please take a look at previous blogs

🥊Travel Blog No.17 🥊 - Night train to Kiruna 倜行列車

🥊Travel Blog No.18 🥊 - Kiruna church キルナ教䌚

🥊Travel Blog No.19 🥊 - Sami village サヌミ村

🥊Travel Blog No.20 🥊 -  Ice Hotel アむスホテル


Why I wanted to go to Kiruna

  1. I want to see how the Sami live.

  2. I want to visit the Ice Hotel.🥶😁

  3. I want to ride a dog sled.🐕

  4. I want to see the Northern Lights if possible.🔊






Stopped by a convenience store to get some night snacks
Stopped by a convenience store to get some night snacks

We stopped briefly at a convenience store to get some food for the night and prepare to join the dog sledding tour. In Kiruna, the temperature was around -20 degrees Celsius even during the daytime, and sometimes it was even colder at night. In the cold, I often felt hungry (maybe because I was burning a lot of calories to keep my body warm?) I always had some peanuts in my pocket.

コンビニ゚ンスストアに少し立ち寄り、倜食を飌っお犬ぞりツアヌぞ参加する準備を行いたした。キルナは日䞭でも気枩は床皋床で、倜になるずさらに寒くなる時もありたした。 そしお、寒いずころでは空腹感をよく感じたぶんですが、䜓の熱を保぀ためにカロリヌ消費がおおいのかな、ポケットにピヌナッツなどを垞に持っおいたした。

And then it was time to join the dog sledding tour!


🐕🐕 Dog sledding🛷🛷  - Here

Pics from their Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kirunadogsled/
Pics from their Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kirunadogsled/ 

In the city of Kiruna, they met us at the mall to take the tour and took us to the tour departure point where there was a kennel.



The first thing I did was to change my clothes. It was -20 degrees outside. We were told that the temperature outside was -20 degrees Celsius, and that we would be experiencing a headwind on the dog sled tour, which would make the temperature feel like -30 degrees Celsius. I wore the thermal gear shown in the photo over the clothes I was already wearing. They also lent me very thick socks, and then I put on my boots. They also lent me a jacket, which was a very thick coat. 


After that, we greeted the dogs that would be pulling us on our sleds. I thought there would be a lot of big-bodied dogs like Siberian Huskies, but I was a little surprised to see a lot of slim-bodied dogs. They were very smart and listened very well to the instructor's whistle instructions and shouts.

When we took the tour in 2020, Corona was spreading around the world and there were very few tourists. According to the instructor, there are usually nine tours a day, morning, noon and night, but when we were there, there were only two tours a day.

The instructor explained that the dogs that do the sledding have to run every day, even if there are not many customers, otherwise they get stressed and lose muscle strength, so they have to run some every day. They are very friendly dogs and very cute.

そしお、そのあずわたしたちを犬ぞりで匕っ匵っおくれる犬たちにあいさ぀したした。 シベリアンハスキヌのような倧きな䜓の犬が倚いのかなず思っおいたのですが、意倖に䜓のスリムな犬たちが倚くお少しびっくりしたした。ずおも賢くお、むンストラクタヌが行う笛での指瀺や掛け声でずおも蚀うこずを聞いおいたした。

わたし達がツアヌに参加した、幎はちょうどコロナが䞖界䞭に広がっおいた時期で、芳光客ずずおも少なかったです。 むンストラクタヌの話では、通垞、日に朝昌倜ず、蚈回のツアヌを行っおいるようですが、わたし達がいった時期は日に回皋床になっおいたようです。

むンストラクタヌの説明では、犬ぞりを行う犬たちは毎日、お客さんが少なくおも走らせないずストレスがたたったり、筋力が萜ちたりずするようで、毎日ある皋床は走らせおいるず蚀っおいたした。 ずおも人懐っこい犬たちで、ずおもかわいかったですよ。

Unfortunately, we were not able to see the Northern Lights, but it was a memory that will last a lifetime. The experience of dashing through the frigid Kiruna on a dog sled pulled by speeding dogs was very precious and unforgettable.

After the dog sledding was over, I handed the dogs some food as a thank you, and they were very happy when I patted them. After the dog sledding tour was over, we changed our clothes and went to a rest stop near the hut where we had a chance to talk with the instructor about Kiruna and dog sledding. Surprisingly, the instructors were a Italian, a Swiss, some more people from Europe and the owner was the only local Swede, and they were people from all over the world who came to Kiruna to work, attracted by the appeal of dog sledding. I wish I had used my Working Holiday Visa when I was a student so that I could have had this kind of experience.

残念ながら、オヌロラは芋るこずはできなかったのですが本圓に䞀生の思い出が出来たした。 疟走する犬たちが匕く犬ぞりに乗せられお極寒のKirunaを颯爜ず走る䜓隓はずおも貎重で、忘れられない思い出になりたした。

犬ぞりが終わった埌にお瀌に犬たちに逌を手枡しで䞎えお、なでおやるずずおも喜んでいたした。 犬ぞりツアヌが終わったず、服を着替え、小屋の近くにあった䌑憩所でむンストラクタヌずいろいろずキルナの話や、犬ぞりの話などを聞けおずおも楜しかったです。 意倖に、むンストラクタヌはむタリア人、スむス人ず、地元スりェヌデン人はオヌナヌだけで、䞖界䞭から犬ぞりの魅力にひかれおKirunaに来お、働いおいる人たちでした。 わたしも、孊生時代にWorking Holiday Visaなどを䜿甚しお、このような䜓隓ができたらよかったなぁず改めお感じたした。

Northern lights オヌロラ

Well, I did not see the northern lights, but here is a reference link to see northern lights haha 😄
Well, I did not see the northern lights, but here is a reference link to see northern lights haha 😄

Next day - We visited Sami shop


They were selling reindeer meat, hats and gloves made by the Sami people. I bought a pair of Sami gloves as a memory.

トナカむの肉ずか、サヌミの方が䜜られた垜子や手袋を売っおいたした。 わたしはサヌミ手袋を思い出に賌入したした。

Souvenir shop and café


Semla - my favorite Swedish sweets

Ahhhhh, I love semlas! I was so happy to see semlas! We had a good fika 😄
Ahhhhh, I love semlas! I was so happy to see semlas! We had a good fika 😄

Bye bye Kiruna 

I was a little hesitant to travel in the midst of the Corona pandemic, but as it turns out, I'm really glad I went on the trip.

There were four reasons I wanted to go to Kiruna, and I was able to accomplish all three except for "Seeing the northern lights," and I finished the trip with great satisfaction. 

Rather than achieving all of my goals, I think it would be better to have a few unachievable goals so that I can come back to that destination again. I hope I can see the aurora next time I come back. Buying warm clothes and inviting my mother to the Ice Hotel sounds like fun! I hope to see the Northern Lights next time I come back.

コロナ犍の䞭の旅行、少し躊躇したのですが、結論から蚀うず本圓に蚀っおよかったず思える旅行でした。 目暙に掲げた旅行での目暙も぀䞭、぀もできお、「オヌロラをみる」以倖はすべお達成できたした。



🥊Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊

🥊See you again!🥊



😍 @luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝


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