🥊MizuoÂŽs Travel Blog🥊No.18 - Kiruna Church, Sweden - Dec. 2020

👇Please check my previous blog how I got to Kiruna!👇


Arrived at Kiruna station! 


Continuing from my previous blog, we took the night train from Hudiksvall station, and luckily we were in a six-seater carriage (and we were only two of us who could use the whole carriage due to the Covid19 regulations back then which suggested to have social distance with other parties), so we slept well and arrived at Kiruna station around 6 am.  I remember that we arrived at the station around 6:00 a.m. The inside of the train was heated and very warm, but as the train headed north towards Kiruna, I started to feel the cold inside the carriage little by little. When we arrived at Kiruna station, the outside temperature was -20 degrees Celsius! 🥶🥶🥶


Arrived at Kiruna train station.
Arrived at Kiruna train station.

Before we start our trip, I would like to explain again why we wanted to come to Kiruna. There were four main reasons. 😁👍


How come we wanted to come to KIRUNA

1. I want to see how the Sami live.

2. I want to visit the Ice Hotel. 🥶😁

3. I want to ride a dog sled. 🐕

4. I want to see the Northern Lights if possible. 🔊





Well, it was cold! LOL! 

The inside of the vehicle got colder and colder as we drove north to Kiruna, "This is not good! LOL!" I was a little surprised, because it was the coldest I had ever experienced. Before the train arrived at the station, I put on the warm clothes I had brought with me. I had brought some clothes that I had bought when I skied in the past, so I put them on.

列車が北䞊するに぀れお寒さを車䞡内でも感じるようになりたした。もちろん車䞡内は暖房が効いおいたのですが、それでも寒さを感じ始め、そろそろキルナに近づいおきおいるなず肌で感じたした。キルナに来たかった理由に぀挙げたのですが、わたしは「か぀おない極寒を経隓しおみたい」ずいうのも個人的にはあり、この寒さを経隓できたのはずおも良かったです。 以前スキヌをしたずきに賌入した、防寒具を着甚しキルナの地に着きたした

Snow tree! 🀩👏 Beautiful!!
Snow tree! 🀩👏 Beautiful!!

After arriving at Kiruna station, we walked a bit to the Kiruna bus station. From there, we took a bus to Kiruna city. The first thing that surprised me was the temperature of -20 degrees Celsius. It was the first time in my life that I had experienced such a temperature. When I breathed out, my exhaled breath instantly froze 🌬🌬🌬 and became a pure white breath. And if you looked closely, you could see the diamond dust phenomenon 🧊❄🧊❄, where the water vapor in the air glittered like crystal, and it was very beautiful.

It was like this! Diamond dust!👉👉  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_dust


Cafe Safari, Kiruna city. We went to this cafe so many times!! 😁👍
Cafe Safari, Kiruna city. We went to this cafe so many times!! 😁👍

Kiruna square in the central Kiruna. It is cute, isn’t’ it? 😉
Kiruna square in the central Kiruna. It is cute, isn't' it? 😉

When we arrived in Kiruna, it was still early in the morning and the stores were not open at all. It was still early in the morning when we arrived in Kiruna. When I asked if it would be cloudy today, I was told that the sunrise would be later and the sunset would be very early because we were near the Arctic Circle. I was also surprised to see on the train that Kiruna is almost in the Arctic Circle. No wonder it's dark!


This is where Kiruna located. It is pretty north, right? 😉🌬❄🌬❄
This is where Kiruna located. It is pretty north, right? 😉🌬❄🌬❄

First, we decided to head to the AirBnB, which we had booked in advance to drop off our luggage. It was so cold that I could feel my body heat draining from my body just standing still. So I felt warmer if I moved my body even a little. And to my surprise, the cold started to chill my fingertips first. I had to be careful not to get too cold. It was indeed -20 degrees Celsius.


Kiruna Church

I took a short break at the AirBnB and had a hot cup of coffee to warm myself up before starting my tour of Kiruna. The stores were still closed in the city, so we decided to go to Kiruna Church first for sightseeing.

Website of Kiruna Church 👉 https://www.kirunalapland.se/en/see-do/kiruna-church/


This is a short video of Kiruna Church. Well, I know I should edit it, but well, I will learn how to do it later then~~~~. (Maybe editing a video will be something I should do this year. We will see! 😁)

It was after Christmas when we went to Kiruna, so the church was still decorated for Christmas. The church was very beautiful, and the most impressive part was that it was built with wood. When I looked at the ceiling, I saw that it was supported by large wooden beams, which gave it an atmosphere not found in modern churches. I thought it would be rude that tourists to wander around in a place of prayer, so I quickly finished my sightseeing inside the church and decided to walk around the outside of the church.


The decoration of the church wall is so beautiful!
The decoration of the church wall is so beautiful! 

Information for the church. Well, information board is cute already in snow!
Information for the church. Well, information board is cute already in snow! 

Let's head to city central! 

👇 Website for tourism in Kiruna 👇


The population of Kiruna is roughly 20,000, so the town itself is not very big. The city itself is not very big, but the life in the city is very fulfilling, and I felt that I would not have any trouble living there. The grocery store we visited today was run by the same company as in Stockholm, and the store was open until around 7:00 p.m., so it was quite convenient.


It is a park in central Kiruna 😁😁👏👏❄❄❄
It is a park in central Kiruna 😁😁👏👏❄❄❄

Snow slide! Yay! ❄❄❄
Snow slide! Yay! ❄❄❄

Well, it is so darn obvious, maybe 😁, but when the outside air temperature is -20 degrees Celsius, you will get very cold after about 30 to 45 minutes outside🥶. It gets quite cold. Maybe I was wearing the wrong clothes, but I had to go into a store every hour or so to warm up 🧁☕, then go outside again to see the sights, and then go into a store again to have a cup of coffee.  I hope to write more travel blogs about Kiruna in the future.

When I say that "It is cold in Sweden....", then my sambo says this below. 

  "Det finns inget dåligt vÀder, bara dåliga klÀder"  (There is no bad weather, only bad clothes.)

Well, this tells everything in Sweden. 😁👏👏👏

あたりたではあるのですが、倖気が床になるず、倖では倧䜓分から分皋床いるず䜓がかなり寒くなっおきたす。 わたしの着おいた服が悪かったのかもしれたせんが、時間に䞀回はどこかの店に入っお䜓を枩めお、たた倖に出お芳光し、そしおたた店に入っおコヌヒヌを飲むずいった芳光でした。  これからもキルナの続きの旅行ブログを曞いおいけたらを思いたす。

極寒の寒さを経隓しに行ったわたしですが、あたりにも寒くなり「寒いねヌ」ず蚀うず、倧䜓このように返されたす 👉   "Det finns inget dÃ¥ligt vÀder, bara dÃ¥liga klÀder" 悪い倩気などない、服が悪いだけ


🥊Ha det sÃ¥ bra! 🥊

🥊See you again! 🥊


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にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 海倖ぶらり旅ぞ

にほんブログ村 旅行ブログぞ

にほんブログ村 海倖生掻ブログぞ

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