Kamandag Falls is the one exhausting but worth it that i do in my whole life.

Me and my friends again, plan to go kamandag falls which not far away from us. 7 am in the morning is our call time to gather in our friend's house so that we go there together. Our ride is enjoying because we rode a motorcycle/motorbike, it's kind of risky but little bit enjoying haha and i believe in saying that "you only live once "😅.

And we stop by at sari sari store to buy some charcoal because we are planning to grill the chicken for our lunch. The way to the falls is complicated and it's wet since it was raining but luckily the rain stop when we got there. It's hard to manoeuver the motorcycle/ motorbike if the road were not cemented and its was wet soil and hilly and many stones.

That photo is the view when you got on the top and you can see that it's look damage because of the earthquake. When we go there it is not adviceble to go there, cause it's risky and the path is slippy and muddy.


we only visit this small falls at kamandag falls, locals says its the "apo" of the falls. We cannot visit the mother of kamandag falls but we are happy that are adventure is amazing.

Before we got there we experience trekking at some point it kind of exciting but the time goes by as the way is complicated it became stiffer and exhausting, i think i loss some of my weight ? Kidding aside .

It's hard since our way is kind a slope and i use my fit to prevent me from falling and hand to grab some of i can grab to hold on. It kind of challenging to me because I'm holding a phone to video of what happen to us as a rememberance hahaha.

I forgot to take photo of the flower that they planted there. Its the anthurium flower . It only grows on cold place base i search in the google. And the place there were cold. Before we go home, i bought a bouquet of anthurium flower for the altar that we have in our home.

And it's not pricey to bought and fresh pick also!

As far as i can tell, visiting kamandag falls is a great and wonderful adventure and memories are something to cherish. Im hopping soon to visit the mother of the falls.

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