St. Francis Javier Chapel

A lot of people believe about beliefs of sacred places who brings miracles of granting wishes of people who wish in that place. We all know that there are a lot of places that a lot of people visited in a certain site or place because people believe that this place can grant wishes or can cure sickness and other unbelievable and proven happenings to people.


This is the St. Francis Javier Chapel, many people visited here even though they need to walk and surpass the long stairs to be there coz this place is can be found in the top of the mountainous area of Hanginan,Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines.


This is my picture inside of the chapel, I look very skinny at that time coz I'm fighting that time againts depression, and as a matter of fact I go to that place coz I want also to wish in that place that I want to win the battle of myself over depression.


As I've mentioned above, the sacred chapel can be found at the top of the mountain, so this is the picture I took, when we are in top we can see the road along the way on that place and also people can be enjoy the wide view of ocean when you reach the top of the hanginan chapel.


People can enjoy the beautiful sceneries and the full view of ocean in the top, people can enjoy the cold breeze while sitting and witnessing how good and relaxing the place is.


This is the picture I took along the way reaching the top to go to the St. Francis Javier Chapel, It is a long walk before we get their. People who will go here should always bring a extra t-shirt to wear coz for sure you may get wet of a lot of sweat by walking through the stairs to go there.


It can be noticed and seen in my face how good I feel ro be here in this place coz that is my first time to go that time in that place and finally that time my wish came true to visit that place which the St. Francis Javier Chapel.

I was very happy that time that in my life finally I reach the hanginan chapel where many people also visit here to pray and wish something.

Thanks for dropping by :)

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