A Day in Tokyo-Visit to Shibuya and Tokyo Skytree

It's my third visit to Japan my last being five years ago before the pandemic. I'm surprised by google photos randomly showing memories of my previous visits and I realize I forgot about them. Like visiting a particular place, experiencing a new adventure like skiing and enjoying a meal. So this time I made it a point to shoot as much photos as I can. Not that they are good images since I snap photos while walking fast as I try to catch up to my companions.

Yesterday we went to Shibuya which is famous for being the world's busiest pedestrian crossing with as much as three thousand people crossing at a time.

shibuyacross.jpgHundreds of people preparing to cross.

Shibuya is a popular shopping and dining destination. It's also home to the statue of Hachiko, a dog who was remembered for extreme loyalty to his human and where the movie Hachi was based from.


A lot of tourists are lining up to take photos by Hachiko's statue.



shop4.jpgThere are plenty of shopping and dining options to choose from in Shibuya. You can find a lot of people from various countries here.

After hours of walking in Shibuya we took the train to go to the Tokyo Skytree. At 634 meters it boasts as the world's tallest tower and the third tallest structure in the world.

sky.jpgApproaching the tower from the train station.


sky2.jpgBelow the tower there are a lot of stalls to buy food. We cannot find a table so we moved to a nearby Starbucks shop which has a good view of the tower.


After the Tokyo Skytree dinner was in a Hawaiian themed restaurant. It's not Japanese but we decided to try another dish after eating ramen and sushi during the day.



I ordered their Ice Coffee and Mahi-Mahi Burger.


It was late at night when we were done. I was tired and my legs are killing me but I had fun and enjoyed the day!

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