Germany Part 7: Camping and Stand up Paddle at lake Pilsensee (Fotos + Video)

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The summer has officially arrived at its peak in Germany and so we decided to drive to one of the 5 big lakes at the Fünfseenland, an area in Upper Bavaria counting 5 big lakes: Starnberger See, Wörthsee, Ammersee, Pilsensee, and Weßlinger See.

The plan was to go there, enjoy the sun and the water, and then camp for the night directly at the lake.

As it is still Corona time, we had to make an online reservation to save a spot. Once that was arranged we drove from our home to the lake, which is luckily fairly close.

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The lake has a maximum depth of 17 meters, a length of approx. 2.5 km and a width of approx. 1 km. It was created in the Ice Age when a branch basin was excavated by the Isar-Loisach glacier.

When we arrived, we parked our car at the parking lot and went walking towards the lake. We found a very nice spot to lie down and first started to have a proper breakfast!

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I mostly like this lake because it is big, has nice clear water, and not too many people gathering around like at other lakes! Like this, it was safe and we could enjoy the stay fully!

So once the sun arrived at our corner it started to get hot and we needed to refresh ourselves quickly. We decided to jump into the water and take our SUP right with us to do some sports and enjoy the calmness of the lake to its highest.

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Elena wanted to paddle first, so I jumped on the back and enjoyed the view meanwhile, tipping my feet in the water and feeling the wind blow in my face! - What a wonderful day to be at the lake!

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Paddling a little bit further we all of the sudden we're all by ourselves! So nice! The wind was blowing a bit, the sun shining and the water was not too cold or too hot, but just refreshing!

So, of course, we jumped in and enjoyed the sun shining on our bodies while just hanging around, laying down on the board, or floating in the water.

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When we started to feel a little bit burned we decided to go back, get some time in the shadow and check on our things.

I bought a refreshing ice coffee at the kiosk, went back, and enjoyed the view towards the lake and the people! It can be so funny to observe german summer behavior :D

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During the day we took a few more rounds swimming and paddling on the water. It was just really nice to finally have a day off with great weather and not too many people! I am sure it was also helping that in some parts of Germany the school vacation time was over, and so we have fewer tourists here in beautiful Bavaria now!





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In the late afternoon, we decided to bring our SUP back to the car and start putting our tent for the night. The camping spot was not far from the water and actually pretty big so that keeping distance wouldn't be a problem at all.

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We built my 15-year-old tent surprisingly fast and had a lot of fun doing so. It only took us about 30 minutes to have everything ready and another 20 to put our things inside.

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Then we walked down to the lake again to have some drinks and enjoy the beautiful and well-deserved sunset. It was just the perfect ending to a perfect day!


The night was very comfortable (for me at least haha), and even though the tent was a bit old, it was great to go camping again! Of course, it wasn't raining and when we woke up the next morning because kids from a neighbor tent started their day quite loudly I was already looking forward to the camping breakfast place!

Elena had a little bit of trouble waking up though.




But I knew that all she needs is a great breakfast and coffee!! So we put down our tent and went to the breakfast place and got some for her asap!

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Now we were happy and all set to drive home again! What a great experience! More about other great places in Germany soon!

Until then feel free to enjoy the video of the day!


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