Exploring Ortoire River Mouth in South East Trinidad!

Unusually Colorful and Vibrant!


Point Radix is located on the South Eastern Coast of Trinidad and is a peninsula and plateau evaginating from the mainland. It is home to the Ben Deloraine Nature Reserve where there are many immersive nature experiences to be had. Usually, everytime we visit, the east coast is brown and muddy but these last few times we visited, the waters were blue and vibrant which accentuated the allure of Point Radix and the River Mouth. Today we will be exploring the plateau aerially along with its characteristic nearby rivermouth that flows into the sea!


The drive there was scenic as ever taking us along the eastern coastline which is just a seemingly never ending beach with countless stretches of coconut trees as you can see above. That protrusion of land you seen the coastline bending into on the left is the Point Radix Plateaux! As I mentioned, the waters were so amazingly blue and beautiful giving Trinidad's north coast beaches a lot of competition!



The journey takes us to Ortoire Village along the Ortoire river that flows into the ocean and where the start of the Point Radix Plateau is. The river was a beautiful emerald color instead of its usual depressing brown. The village itself is small but not at all remote or sleepy. The main road that takes beach goers all along the east coast attractions flows right through it and businesses thrive here, especially the bars and food spots.


You can see river mouth in the shot above along with Point Radix on the right. The road really takes you off the main carriageway from the village, past the river mouth and up to the Plateau. This means that the first scenic stop is the river mouth and the beach that it flows into!



This is what the road looks like when we got to the river mouth area, there were lots of boats and pirogues beached on the shore under the shady coconut trees. There were even what looked like wire traps for catching crustaceans and things of the sort if I'm not mistaken. You fishing folk can let me know! All the while the amazing blue hues peaked right though from the background beckoning us to come closer.




And that we did! We headed to the river mouth first where the fresh river water flowed into the salty ocean. The sandy river bank was beautifully curved and very clean. It seemed like a tropical paradise and the waters were so clear and pristine with a beautiful eye pleasing color. I just loved the shade provided by some almond trees so you could sit right there on the sand, watch the tranquil waters, see the crashing ocean waves in the distance as well as hear them and be at peace.



This is what the Ortoire village looked like from the river mouth area. You can see boats anchored along the curve that looks like a bay but really is just the river meandering out from the mainland. It was remarkably cleaner compared to previous visits and this helped to complement the colors, making the location feel like a magical vacation spot!



Facing southwards towards the side of the plateau, the beach gives way to beautiful cliff faces that run off from the peninsula itself giving you an idea of its elevation from the rest of the landscape. There was just one small family bathing in the ocean today as you can see in the first shot above. Other than that, the beach was just empty which was amazing to be able to document the location.

A More Comprehensive View!


When I sent up the drone, the vast expanse of the east coast renders the river mouth just a small speck on its perimeter. You can see the mouth, Ortoire village and more of Point Radix on the left. The colors really began to show up here. The Dark spots you see on the water and some of the land were the shadows casted by passing clouds.


At first I thought they were patches of reef but when I was quickly flipping through the photos, they shifted with the clouds so I realised quickly what they were. I just loved how the sky looked along with the ocean here. You can get an idea now of how long this eastern coastline beach is and how its stretches on for miles for as far as the eyes could see.



Finally we get to Point Radix itself. You can see how it extends from the main land, is elevated and is mostly flat ish for most of its area. Its vibrant dense flora and fauna is amazing for bird watching, hikes, camping and bike riding! These experiences are intended to be documented in the upcoming future so stay tuned! I just really liked the beautiful cliff faces that seemed to go all around the land mass beautifully carved out by the relentless sea. The turquoise blue water that stretches past the peninsula reminded me of views I would have seen in Curaçao and it was a different color from this side of the plateau as well which was very interesting!


Point Radix and Ortoire with its river mouth is definitely an underrated and unrecognized beautiful location that should be more popular in my opinion. With the waters so beautiful these days, it just elevates the amazing beauty of the land mass and it really did feel like a tropical paradise compared to when the waters were brown! Thanks a lot for coming along! Cheers!

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