Exploring Damien's Bay And Its Mysterious Locked Door!

What's Locked Away Behind It?


Damien's Bay is one of Trinidad's beautiful Beaches that has been more popular in the news recently as there is controversial platform that was built on the beach itself and a locked door was placed on it which is not legal. Besides that the bay is a beautiful beach with many breathtaking views and coastal features that I showcase along with trying to find out what is actually behind that locked door!


Our journey takes us to Blanchisseuse village in north Trinidad with quaint isolated beach houses and villas spread in the midst of dense forest and undulating coastlines. The area is serene and quiet and warrants driving through with the car windows down and taking in the crisp fresh air and beautiful forests.



The singular main road is heavily canopied overhead making it well shaded. This also meant that we missed the trail to turn into Damien's bay and had to turn back! There was no sign of any sort it seemed like an unassuming dirt trail. I had to park on the road and walk in just to make sure that this was indeed Damien's bay and that the car could make it down the trail to the parking area near the beach itself.



The trail was shaded and lead to some wooden fences that belonged to a beach house. There was quite an aesthetic appeal with the coconut trees, bushes and the wooden fencing that just fit the vibe and created a brilliant pre beach buzz of excitement.



The car could definitely make the drive without being stuck, I just literally had to make sure and so I quickly walked back out and brought it down and parked under a nice shady tree, of which there was an abundance.


The parking area was quite spacious and I enjoyed sitting in the car taking in what could be seen of the bay from here. The first thing I noticed was that there was absolutely no one here! I was the only one at the beach and it felt amazing having it all to myself! It was indeed a weekday and everyone was at work but documenting locations like this is my job and so was I!


In the distance, facing eastwards, you could see the white railings amongst the turbulent waves that belong to the controversial platform I was speaking of earlier and I could not wait to explore it!


This is more of a surfing beach more than a bathing one but the water as you will see with the aerial shots is a beautiful color. The weather was very clement that day with a few showers here and there and by the time I was ready to explore, it had cleared up amazingly, thankfully.



The western side of the beach so many beautiful rocks that were an eye pleasing orange color complemented the blue skies as well as the ocean brilliantly. I just loved the vegetation and the little islets that peppered to coastline as well.



Near the parking area was a small river that trickled out to the ocean and it was quite a relaxing and zen sight. The trees and banks that line it was so beautiful and I got so carried away with it that I forgot about the rest of the beach for a while!


The drone provided a much needed comprehensive view of the beach and a better view of the waters that were obscured by the foamy waves. The waters were quite rough and violent and I could see why there were so many coastal features in the area.



Here is nice view of where we parked. The sands were a shade of orange much like the exposed rock and I guess I can see why. The sandy regions were quite scarce when you look at it and I can see why the platform was built as it got narrower to facilitate a safer walking area in that side of the beach especially during the higher tides.


The western side of the beach had these awesome rock features that were interestingly shaped. What was so cool were these mini coconut palms that covered the edges of the rocks almost like little mushrooms, I had no idea coconut trees had the capability to grow in that manner!



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One of the islets particularly caught my eye with its almost golden glowing orange rock faces. It was crowned with a beautiful crest of vegetation on top and the waves crashed so violently upon it that the splash would rise way above it towering height! It was so mesmerizing to look at! The third photo above shows one of the huge splashes.


Finally we get to the controversial pathway with the locked door! As you can see, it lines the coast and makes up for the tapering beach but it also leads to something on its other side that its owners (who apparently closed it off illegally) deemed that it should be locked to the public! Luckily the drone will make short work of the door and whatever else may be in the way.

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Moving down a little further past the door, you can see that the path bifurcates to the left and the right. One to the the little islet on the left and the right leads to a beach house or resort. I guess I can see why it is locked due to it leading to private spaces but it still is illegal to claim and and obstruct coastal/ sea areas as such in Trinidad.

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Flying around, past all of that to the other side, there were more railings took you around and up the islet to a nice lookout on top of it! Imagine the views that one would get here especially at sunset and at night! The vibes would be immaculate! You can see the beach house the railings are connected to on the left as well.

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It was nice to finally be able to visit Damien's Bay and cure that curious itch as to what was behind that door and why it was locked illegally. There was a prominent lawsuit that occured because of it and the owners were instructed to remove the lock a year or two ago, yet when I visited that day, the lock was still there. I'm not sure what may become of it in the future but it was quite fun exploring the area!


Damien's Bay is definitely a breathtaking beach with lots to explore and appreciate especially with its shaded areas, beautiful waters and interesting coastal formations. The islets are filled with so much character and the waves crashing against lead to some amazing shots that capture the power of the ocean!

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