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The city of students is Bologna.This is a city with a rich history that everyone should see!

Bologna is an ancient city, but at the same time the spirit of antiquity and the fast pace of modern student life are organically intertwined in it. Medieval palaces, elegant churches, authentic noble houses and picturesque parks give her an incomparable charm. A pleasant addition to them is fine cuisine, profitable shopping and traditional Italian hospitality. BolognaBologna

I started getting acquainted with this city at night, my plane landed at 2 a.m.

It was not difficult to get there, a night bus runs from the airport, straight to the city center. I already had a pre-booked accommodation through Airbnb and I easily got to my accommodation.

The hostess met me, despite the late arrival time, she was waiting for me and made me tea!

We talked a little, she gave me information about the city, what to see, where to go.

Most of all I appreciate people for their hospitality and friendliness. I also gave a couple of wonderful non-tourist places where they cook amazing.

My room is where I’m stayingMy room is where I'm staying

The room was decorated in the style of Alice in Wonderland!

My advice:

In order to have time to visit all the most interesting places, it is worth planning routes in advance and making a vacation plan.

I will tell you what interesting places you should visit in order to feel the atmosphere of the city and learn more about the culture and history of Italy.

Two Towers - which offer a great view of the city from the top.

The images of the two medieval towers La torre Asinelli and La torre Garisenda are rightfully considered a symbol of the city. The time of their construction is estimated as the XI century. Due to the mistakes made during the design, by now they have deviated from the straight axis by about 2 meters.


Climbing there may seem difficult for some, but with my experience of climbing in the mountains, it seemed unnoticeable.

It is better to buy a ticket through the website, this is the easiest way.

Come take half a queue and wait for the command when the visitors come out and your turn begins.

View from the tower.View from the tower.

My advice

The faster you get to the top, the more time you will have to shoot these views without a crowd of tourists.

View from the tower.View from the tower.

According to legend, the construction of the towers is the result of the rivalry of two wealthy families from Bologna. Their creators did not pay due attention to technology, because they sought to overtake the rival in the number of floors.

The towers are located at c: Via del Carro, 2

The entrance is open from 09:00 to 19:00 in summer and until 17:00 in winter. Garisenda is closed to entry for security reasons.


The City Archaeological Museum is for connoisseurs of antiquity.

The museum consists of 18 rooms, 12 dedicated to archaeology. Of particular interest are the Paleolithic finds and ancient Egyptian masks of the dead, whose age is more than 3.5 millennia. The culture of Ancient Rome and Egypt is widely represented.

Basilica of San PetronioBasilica of San Petronio

Piazza Maggiore is the heart of the city.

It is always crowded here and students like to gather, play guitars and not only!

Some interesting sights in Bologna are located just around this square: on one side is the Municipal Building, on the other — the City Administration Palace, on the third - the facade of the Basilica of San Petronio.

Piazza Neptune:

Located a minute's walk from the Basilica of San Petronio, in the heart of Bologna. Its history began in the XVI century, when, by order of Cardinal P.D. Cesi, dilapidated buildings were demolished, and in their place it was decided to formalize the city center. Her "calling card" is the picturesque fountain of Neptune, located in the center. In honor of him, the place got its name.

It's also worth watching for everyone:

Other attractions on Neptune Square are the Enzo Palace, created in the Gothic style, the city library and a memorial erected in memory of the fallen members of the resistance movement to Italian fascism.

This is a city that you will remember for a long time, it will bring a lot of positivity, you can walk under its arches even in the rain, be dry and walk almost the whole city!

A city of students who do not sleep when they do not sleep, they walk here until late at night.

Local residents are always happy to visit this city.


"It is better to travel all the time, but never come to your destination." (Buddha)

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