The Tomb of the 12th King of the last dynasty of Vietnam

Hello everyone! It's Khoa again, nice to see you all in Khoa's post today. In today's article by Khoa, I would like to introduce to everyone an article about the history of Vietnam. In the article, there are some historical milestones and content that Khoa has learned at school, the place that in today's article Khoa wants to introduce to everyone is a mausoleum of a king of Vietnam.


At the beginning of the article, Khoa introduced to everyone that Vietnam is one of the countries with a feudal system spanning thousands of years. Over the centuries, Vietnam has had a total of 13 dynasties and the last dynasty of feudalism is the Nguyen Dynasty. It is special that the last monarchy of Vietnam also experienced more than 13 kings. The Nguyen Dynasty lasted for more than 143 years, with 13 kings, this is also one of the many ups and downs in Vietnamese history. There were many causes leading to the downfall of the Nguyen Dynasty, the main ones being the French colonial invasion and the bourgeois revolutions in the early decades of the 20th century.

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In the next article, Khoa will write more details about the last dynasty of Vietnam, in today's article Khoa will introduce to everyone a mausoleum of a king of the Nguyen Dynasty. The king that Khoa wants to introduce is King Khai Dinh, he is the 12th king of the Nguyen Dynasty. This king reigned for 9 years, from 1916 to 1925, he died of a serious illness. King Khai Dinh is one of those kings who are not interested in ruling the country, only in gambling. Because of this, he was also one of the unpopular kings of the people. King Khai Dinh has 12 wives and only 1 son, Prince Nguyen Phuc Vinh Thuy, this is the last king of Vietnam's feudal system.

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The tomb of King Khai Dinh is located in the Chau Chu village, Huong Thuy Town, Thua Thien Hue province. Khai Dinh Tomb has located about 12km from Hue city centre, this is one of the most beautifully built mausoleums into the mausoleum system of the kings of the Nguyen Dynasty. Although the area of the ​​Khai Dinh Tomb is not as large as the tombs of other kings, Khai Dinh Tomb is the most visited place by tourists, because the architecture here is arranged very harmoniously and has a unique design. A very nice location. The architecture of Khai Dinh Tomb is very delicate with a combination of Eastern and Western cultural architecture.In front of Khai Dinh Tomb is the entrance ticket sales and parking area, the entrance fee of Khai Dinh Tomb is 5$ for all visitors. Leading inside the mausoleum are stone stairs, with 3 paths and the welcome gate area of the ​​Khai Dinh Mausoleum, each path will be carved with dragons next to the path. After going through all the first steps, visitors will come to the first place, which is Tam Quan gate with 37 steps, covered with rows of dragon statues, and towers with architecture from India. Religion.
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Visitors will step through 37 steps through the three-way gate and will reach Bai Dinh and Nghi Mon courtyards. The two sides of the campus are the Bai Dinh courtyard, with the courtiers of the king and soldiers. Lying in the middle of the Bai Dinh courtyard is Nghi Mon, inside Nghi Mon there is a stele made of stone, engraved with Nom script. This is a plate of the Holy Spirit. At the tombs of the Nguyen kings, there is a stele that will record the merits of the king in the office.

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The last place of Khai Dinh Tomb is Thien Dinh Palace, this is the highest floor of Khai Dinh Tomb. Standing from here, visitors will enjoy the panoramic view of the mausoleum. Inside Thien Dinh Palace, is the burial place of King Khai Dinh's body and the rooms containing the treasures of King Khai Dinh. Inside Thien Dinh Palace is Khai Thanh Palace, where there is an altar and a portrait of King Khai Dinh, lying on both sides is a pair of nine peacocks made of bronze. The walls are delicately carved with glass and crockery, full of artistic imprints. Located behind Khai Thanh Palace is the burial place of King Khai Dinh, inside the room, there is a statue of King Khai Dinh sitting on the throne. With the scale of the model being 1:1, behind the bronze statue is the setting sun, which represents the death of the king. It can be said that the entire interior of Thien Dinh Palace is decorated with impressive, sophisticated reliefs of artistic nature. During the Nguyen Dynasty, there were a total of 13 kings, but only 7 kings had Khai Dinh's tomb and tomb, which is one of the mausoleums with the most beautiful architecture and terrain. Although the feudal system has collapsed, historical values ​​are still preserved in the ancient capital of Hue. Here, visitors can learn about the historical period of the last dynasty of Vietnam. Thank you everyone for reading Khoa's article, see you in the next article Khoa.

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