Altea, a spanish gem, the magic city with white houses 馃嚜馃嚫


Altea, a charming white town, is considered a place worth visiting when you come to the Spanish Costa Blanca. Being there, I decided to see it. Unfortunately, the weather could prevent me from enjoying its beauty. When I entered Altea, thick gray clouds were hanging over the city. It was going to rain. Luckily, I hit a weather window and the rain started to fall when I was returning to the car after sightseeing, I was literally a few meters away from it when the first drops of rain fell on me. The city is hilly and the streets are narrow. I invite you to a walk around Altea together 馃槉

Altea, urocze bia艂e miasteczko uchodzi za miejsce, k贸re warto odwiedzi膰, gdy przyjedzie si臋 na hiszpa艅skie wybrze偶e Costa Blanca. B臋d膮c tam, postanowi艂am je zobaczy膰. Niestety pogoda mog艂a mi przeszkodzi膰 w nacieszeniu si臋 jego pi臋knem. Gdy wje偶d偶a艂am do Altei, nad miastem unosi艂y si臋 g臋ste szare chmury. Znosi艂o si臋 na deszcz. Na szcz臋艣cie trafi艂am na okienko pogodowe i deszcz zacz膮艂 pada膰, gdy po zwiedzaniu miasta wraca艂am do samochodu, by艂am dos艂ownie par臋 metr贸w od niego, gdy spady na mnie pierwsze krople deszczu. Miasto jest pag贸rkowate, a uliczki w膮skie. Zapraszam was na wsp贸lny spacer po Altei 馃槉



A walk around Altea is usually a walk along the main narrow street full of shops and restaurants located in one-story white houses with orange roof tiles. On the houses you can often see various paintings - for example mandalas. At every step you can see that this is a town of artists who, thanks to their creativity, create unique decorations on houses.

Spacer po Altei to zazwyczaj spacer g艂贸wn膮 w膮sk膮 uliczk膮 pe艂n膮 sklep贸w i restauracji, znajduj膮cych si臋 w jednopi臋trowych bia艂ych domkach pokrytych pomara艅czow膮 dach贸wk膮. Na domkach cz臋sto mo偶na zobaczy膰 r贸偶ne malunki - np. mandale. Na ka偶dym kroku wida膰, 偶e jest to miasteczko artyst贸w, kt贸rzy dzi臋ki swojej tw贸rczo艣ci tworz膮 na domach unikalne zdobienia.




When we reach the end of this street, we will reach a square with a historic church and several larger restaurants. You can stop there for a moment, or go down the stairs and discover something interesting. I decided to postpone exploring the square until later. And first go down the stairs to see the view of the sea. I didn't know how much time I had for sightseeing, because it kept getting cloudy, and a moment later the sun came out. However, it could also rain at any moment 馃槈 And I don't particularly like sightseeing in the rain.

Gdy dojdziemy na koniec tej uliczki dotrzemy na plac z zabytkowym ko艣cio艂em i kilkoma wi臋kszymi restauracjami. Mo偶na si臋 tam na chwil臋 zatrzyma膰, albo zej艣膰 schodami w d贸艂 i odkry膰 co ciekawego. Ja postanowi艂am plac od艂o偶y膰 na p贸藕niej. I najpierw zej艣膰 schodami, 偶eby zobaczy膰 widok na morze. Nie wiedzia艂am ile mam czasu na zwiedzanie, bo co chwila robi艂o si臋 pochmurnie, a chwil臋 p贸藕niej wychodzi艂o s艂o艅ce. Aczkolwiek w ka偶dej chwili m贸g艂 te偶 spa艣膰 deszcz 馃槈 A zwiedza膰 w deszczu nieszczeg贸lnie lubi臋.



It was worth going further. Look what I discovered there. Palm trees, numerous white houses covered with orange tile roofs, and behind them a wonderful view of the turquoise sea. Oh! How beautiful it was there! 馃槉

Warto by艂o p贸j艣膰 dalej. Zobaczcie co tam odkry艂am. Palmy, liczne bia艂e domy pokryte dachami z pomara艅czow膮 dach贸wk膮, a za nimi cudowny widok na turkusowe morze. Ach! Jak tam by艂o pi臋knie! 馃槉







Another discovery, this time natural. This tree with orange needles is a southern silk oak. It looks like it has small flames growing on it. I really like its warm, bold color.

Kolejne odkrycie, tym razem przyrodnicze. To drzewo z pomara艅czowymi igie艂kami to po艂udniowy d膮b jedwabisty. Wygl膮da jakby porasta艂y je ma艂e p艂omienie. Bardzo mi si臋 podob jego ciep艂y, wyrazisty kolor.



In these photos you can see the road from the parking lot to the church square. It looked like each building told a different story.

A na tych zdj臋ciach mo偶ecie zobaczy膰 drog臋 z parkingu do placu z ko艣cio艂em. Wygl膮da艂o to tak jakby ka偶dy budynek opowiada艂 inn膮 histori臋.







n the square, in addition to the church and the restaurant, there is another attraction. A peculiar bar with a large sign saying "La Macarada" and interesting decorations - a mask that looks like a Venetian one and funny statues, like skinny people, that stood at the entrance.

Za to na placu, opr贸cz ko艣cio艂a i restauracji znajduje si臋 jeszcze jedna atrakcja. Osobliwy bar z du偶ym napisem "La Macarada" i ciekawymi dekoracjami - mask膮 wygl膮daj膮c膮 na weneck膮 i zabawnymi pos膮gami, jakby chudymi ludzikami, kt贸re sta艂y przy wej艣ciu.



On the other side of the square, you can see the Catholic church, called The Virgin of the Consol. The characteristic architectural elements of the church are the white and navy blue domes with Moorish motifs. On the side of the church, there is also a drawing of a donkey, a mother, a child and a palm tree. The interior is also impressive. Below you can see photos from the inside.

Z drugiej strony wida膰 ko艣ci贸艂 katolicki, zwany The Virgin of the Consol.
Charakterystycznymi elementami architektury ko艣cio艂a s膮 bia艂o granatowe kopu艂y z maureta艅skimi motywami. Z boku ko艣cio艂a znajduje si臋 te偶 rysunek z osio艂kiem mam膮, dzieckiem i z palm膮. Wn臋rze te偶 robi wra偶enie. Poni偶ej mo偶ecie zobaczy膰 zdj臋cia z 艣rodka.









After the tour, on the way back I stopped at a few more shops. In one I was intrigued by various ethnic figurines, including Indian ones and wrist bracelets. I bought one 馃槉

Po zwiedzaniu, w drodze powrotnej wst膮pi艂am jeszcze do kilku sklep贸w. W jednym zaciekawi艂y mnie r贸偶ne etniczne figurki, indyskie oraz bransoletki na r臋k臋. kupi艂am sobie jedn膮 馃槉


In another shop there were a lot of little things that I liked - mugs, t-shirts. I could have bought half of the assortment there. I had to restrain myself a lot 馃槈 Very sweet were, for example, a mug with an image of a dog and the inscription: all you need is love and a dog, or a fancy mug with a Mexican motif of Dia del Muertos decorations, with the inscription: cup of happy.

Za to w innym sklepie by艂o mn贸stwo drobiazg贸w, kt贸re mi si臋 podoba艂y - kubki, t-shirty. Mog艂abym tam kupi膰 po艂ow臋 asertymentu. Musia艂am si臋 mocno hamowa膰 馃槈 Bardzo s艂odkie by艂y np. kubek z podobizn膮 psa i napisem = wszystko czego potrzebujesz to mi艂o艣膰 i pies, albo bajerancki kubek z meksyka艅skim motywem ozd贸b na Dia del Muertos, z napisem: kubek szcz臋艣cia.






When I left the shops I noticed that the sky had turned almost black and it looked like there would be a huge downpour. I ran all the way to my car and managed to get there just in time. When it started to rain I knew it wouldn't be a light drizzle and it really did rain heavily for the next few hours. So that was a day of sightseeing with weather adventures 馃槈

Gdy wysz艂am ze sklep贸w zauwa偶y艂am, 偶e niebo zrobi艂o si臋 niemal czarne i zapowiada艂o si臋 na ogromn膮 ulew臋. Drog臋 do samochodu pokona艂am biegn膮c i zd膮偶y艂am tam dobiec w ostatniej chwili. Gdy zacz膮艂 pada膰 deszcz wiedzia艂am, 偶e to nie b臋dzie ma艂y deszczyk i rzeczywi艣cie mocno pada艂o przez kilka kolejnych godzin. Czyli tego dni mia艂am zwiedzanie z przygodami pogodowymi 馃槈

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