
Hello Hivers

The Prairies

The Canadian Prairies, are considered the bread basket of the nation.

A flat, fertile swath encompassing over 32 Million Hectares, which is 320,000 sq km, that produces, wheat, canola, barley and many other crops.

There were a number of waves on immigration to the area, first the Natives, then....


fur traders, and the largest came in the late 1800's up to the 1920's.
Immigrants came to the area, with the encouragement of the Canadian government, offering free land. That was actually 10$ for 160 acres.

It was difficult capturing the vastness of the area, with just wheat fields the only thing I could see.

Many Orthodox churches were seen, mostly Ukrainian.

The roads were flat, straight and made it....


a long drive to get across.

It was still interesting, and I can say I have been there and....


done it. But not looking forward to doing it next time I head towards the Arctic.

The most interesting thing I saw was a crop duster, but it was too far to get a pic.

Thank s for reading.


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