Legend of the Maiden Tower of the Akkerman Fortress of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky

I would like to tell you about the legendary daughter of the Moldovan owner A. Kind, Tamara. Odessa region is located directly on the border with Moldova. Here is one of the most significant sights not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe - the Akkerman Fortress. Many legends and rumors are associated with it. The Maiden's Tower is located on its territory. How is she related to Tamara? Why is the daughter of the Moldovan owner considered bloody? Why did the father severely punish his daughter? We read to the end.

The beginning of the story

In 1399, Alexandru cel Bun (Good) declared himself the ruler of Moldova. The representative of the Mushatins ruled until 1432. He has been married 4 times. Legends are made about him. Many are myths.

Legend has it that Alexander had a daughter, Tamara. As a child, she led a decent life and made her father happy. Dobry regularly went on various hikes. He had to fight various enemies of the state. Accordingly, he was at home very rarely. All children, including Tamara, were left to their own devices. Gradually growing up, Tamara became a very tough and wayward girl.

The life of an adult daughter of the ruler of Moldova, Alexander the Good

As she entered adulthood, Tamara began to become even more violent. Robbery became her main hobby. She attacked villagers, townspeople and robbed.

Some time later, when her father returned from another campaign, Tamara asked Alexandra cel Buna to give her a certain amount of money. She announced that she wanted to build a large monastery that would be a refuge for many who are in need. The father did not refuse his daughter. He was always ready to allocate funds for a good, God's work. It happened this time too. He gave the girl the right amount and went on another trip.

Tamara thought that the monastery is good, but it is still better to build a fortress. On the territory of the Akkerman fortress, she began to build a grand fortification. Ultimately, a real fortified area was erected. The fortress was built in record time.

Gradually, she, leading a gang of robbers, made a real bandit's nest out of the fortress. Tamara understood that the walls would be able to save from any external threats. From this fortress, robbers attacked cities and villages. Tamara did not hesitate and did not feel remorse to easily go to the most terrible crimes. Not only well-to-do people, but also ordinary citizens of Moldova suffered at the hands of the robbers.

The logical conclusion of the criminal activities of the daughter of Moldavsky

Once, Returning from another campaign, Alexander learned about the criminal activities of his daughter. He was amazed, shocked and could not forgive Tamara. Alexander gives the order to imprison his daughter in the fortress itself. Yes, exactly in the one that Tamara built to replace the monastery.

To prevent her daughter from escaping, Dobry orders all entrances and exits to be bricked up. As you understand, the fortress became Tamara's last refuge, a prison forever.

Since then the name "Maiden's Tower" has been assigned to the fortress. Tamara sat there until the end of her days, paying for her crimes and bloody life! The punishment is inevitable!

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