Finding the pure and natural way to attain perfection on the south Cape coast of Africa

Whether animate or inanimate, the natural surroundings on the southernmost shores of the African continent are truly inspiring. By that I mean not only the beautiful indigenous flora but also the geology, climate and landscape are all truly uplifting to behold. Even when the socio-political conditions on the planet appear to be taking strain, I am able to take shelter of the changeless, timeless conditions of the natural environment on this remote part of the planet.

A still pool of spring water adding stillness to the mind
A still pool of spring water adding stillness to the mind

By changeless I mean that despite the seasonal comings and goings of the weather conditions, or the blossoming of flowers according to their season, still the environment is predictable and stable in its regular cyclic patterns. The geology and plant life appear to be timeless in that they appear to have been here for ever. Even some of the indigenous succulent plants look prehistoric.

The indigenous fynbos adding color to the scenery
The indigenous fynbos adding color to the scenery

In other words the conditions are pure and natural, without any genetic modification, geo-engineering or hybridization. The environment is organic and real, compared to modern civilization which appears to be going through so much manipulation and artificial adjustment on numerous levels. From the food we eat, to the weather, to the landscape, to our own bodies, all of these natural components are being subject to artificial impositions.

If you look carefully you can see the white flowers all along the rock face
If you look carefully you can see the white flowers all along the rock face

Nevertheless, if you prefer the organic and original natural way that life on earth has always been, then you will appreciate the untouched, pure and pristine landscape of these southernmost coastal shores of Africa. The scenes may appear quite normal and plain, with nothing particularly outstanding or different from many other places on the planet, but the fact that one can see hardly any human influence whatsoever is quite special.

The same white flowers hiding in plain sight in the bottom right corner
The same white flowers hiding in plain sight in the bottom right corner

My hikes along the shoreline here at the southernmost coast of the African continent allow me to tap in to the inspiring natural beauty and thus feel invigorated, uplifted and motivated to carry on aspiring to new heights. It allows me to feel just perfect and provides the space to “be here now” as the saying goes. It’s the perfect place to be present in the moment without worrying about that which is beyond my ability to change or beyond my circle of influence.

Exotic twist in the trunk of this indigenous fynbos tree, stunning impression
Exotic twist in the trunk of this indigenous fynbos tree, stunning impression

Nature has thrived for millions of years, if you want to put a time scale on it, and obviously knows what to do and does it according to the best means possible. It does not need any artificial imposition or manipulation to be better. Usually when we try to add our attempts to improve it by non-natural means, we end up with a worse problem down the line. And we usually only realize it several years or a generation later, when it’s too late to change the mess. Then the next generation spends all their time and effort trying to clean up the mess of the past foolish endeavors. You see it in GMO foods, chemical fertilizers and pesticides and currently in attempts at tampering with natural immunity.

A hidden alcove in the vegetation on the sea shore, looking very inviting
A hidden alcove in the vegetation on the sea shore, looking very inviting

Yet here on the sunny shores of Africa, way down south at 34 degrees latitude, people have seldom needed antibiotics, vaccinations or chemical manipulation, and as a result it appears that they are more resilient than others who have subjected themselves to such procedures and ended up becoming permanently dependent or weakened as a result. I have to admire the tenacity and superiority of the natural way, of natural immunity and thus I am constantly appreciative of the nurturing and normal natural way.

A reflective moment to contemplate the harmony of nature
A reflective moment to contemplate the harmony of nature

If you too wish to find freedom and surround yourself with pure nature all year long, then feel inspired to take a trip to the deep south coast of Africa, and share in the picturesque and pristine natural environment, which is also nurturing and life-affirming to all who take shelter thereof. The fresh sea air, warm sunshine, pure rain water and lush plant life will be a source of great health for the body as well as food for the soul.

The fresh water pool just before it enters the ocean, look at the dark tannin-filled river water
The fresh water pool just before it enters the ocean, look at the dark tannin-filled river water

(photos my own)

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