Presenting Carcar City's Heritage Houses: Revealing Time's Journey

Hello Hivers! I hope you're having a good day. Did you miss my blog? Don't worry, I'm back to share another discovery in my life. Today, I want to tell you about one of the beautiful places here in Carcar City, Cebu – the heritage houses. If you haven't been here yet, let's explore it together. Come with me. Shall we go?


Before I visited the heritage houses here in Carcar, the most impressive one was the Mercado Mansion. You can see it along the highway if you're heading towards the church or Carcar Rotunda. Besides that, you can also see other old houses on Burgos Street, and the Mercado Mansion is also located there. Come, join me in exploring this place.


Before I went to the heritage site on Saturday, I had a class from 9 to 12 in the morning. After the class, my teacher asked me to wash his motorcycle because he knew I could ride and be relied on. It was around 1 PM, nearing 2 PM when I finished washing the motorcycle. That's when I realized how expensive it is to have a motorcycle cleaned. It's better to clean it yourself to save money. After that, I traveled back home to Carcar. I thought of visiting the heritage houses here, and I wanted to share it with you.


While I was on my way, the first place I visited was the Mercado Mansion. When I arrived, I noticed how sturdy it looked. Unlike some other houses that appear worn down due to lack of maintenance, this one stood strong. I really admire the craftsmanship behind it. The materials used to build it were so polished and refined.


After observing the heritage houses, I visited another old house similar to the Mercado Mansion. Just like the Mercado Mansion, it was also well-built. Despite being heritage houses, there were still people living in some of them.


While I was looking at the old houses, I paused at this one. Even though it's old, you can really see the beauty of its design, especially up close. I'm truly impressed because you can see the strength in the materials they used. Compared to today, where materials seem to deteriorate quickly, I prefer the quality of materials used in the past.


While I was driving again and about to make a turn, I stopped and found myself staring at this particular house. I couldn't help but think that the person who had it built must have been wealthy because it had color-up roofing, correct me if I'm wrong, but the roof looked extremely sturdy and durable, unlike others that deteriorate over time. This is what adds to the heritage of a house. Besides the house, you can also see a bougainvillea plant nearby.


After that, I passed by another house, which looked quite similar at first glance. Upon closer inspection, though, I noticed that the window designs were the only things alike between them, differing mainly in color and shape. After visiting these heritage houses, I felt proud to live in Carcar City. I'm proud that Carcar has places like this.




After visiting the heritage sites in Carcar, I went to the plaza to buy some snacks. Then, I started to miss having ice cream, so I went to a nearby store, but they didn't have any. Since I really wanted ice cream, I decided to go to another branch of 7-Eleven in Perrelos, Carcar. When I arrived there, before buying ice cream, I refueled my vehicle. Then, I bought the ice cream. The view was really beautiful as it was getting dark. This day, I felt relieved after my visit. I'm thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to visit different places and for keeping me healthy and safe every day.


After spending time exploring the old houses in Carcar, I felt a sense of appreciation for the history and beauty they hold. Seeing these houses up close made me realize how important it is to preserve our heritage. These buildings are like time capsules, telling stories of the past and reminding us of where we come from.


Walking through the streets and admiring the architecture, I couldn't help but feel a connection to the people who once lived there. It made me reflect on the simplicity and elegance of the past, contrasting with the fast-paced world we live in today. These old houses are a reminder to slow down and appreciate the beauty around us.

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Leaving the heritage sites behind, I carried with me a renewed sense of pride for Carcar City and its rich cultural heritage. I felt grateful for the opportunity to explore and learn more about my hometown. Visiting these old houses was not just a journey through history, but also a reminder of the importance of preserving our past for future generations to enjoy.

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