Quick Bath in Cantacoyan Spring


Last Friday, December 1, my family and I agreed to visit my parents-in-law's house in Tabuelan, Cebu, and at the same time we would sell our thrifted shoes because it had been a while since we had been able to sell there. Tabuelan is the birthplace of my beloved wife, and it has been a several weeks ago since our last visit in Tabuelan.

My wife really likes that we live in Tabuelan because she likes a peaceful place, the air is very fresh, and the water is also very tasty to drink. You can really taste the freshness of the water that comes from the spring source. And this is also what prompted me to wake up early on Saturday morning, the 2nd day of December, to go to one of the water sources here in Tabuelan, which is the Cantacuyan Spring.



And when we arrived at the Cantacuyan spring, there was someone before us who took a bath very early, and others were washing their clothes at the edge of the spring.



If you are in the same spring, and then you start bathing. You don't want to stop immediately; you really take advantage of the opportunity to take a bath and splash in the very cold water.









The higher the tide, the better the bath. That's why it's a spring because it's deep because the sea meets the water in that spring. But it's because it wasn't in the plan for us to go to take a bath, so we didn't spend too long there because Saturday 9 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon was also our schedule to sell our thrifted shoes in Sugod Cebu. Even in the short time that my son and I were able to take a bath, we were very happy, even though we were the only two who were able to take a bath. The best thing about the Cantacuyan spring is that there is no charge—100% free—but if you like to have a picnic, then you like to have a table. As soon as you enter, there is a snack bar on the side of the stairs leading to the spring that rents a table with a chair for only 100 PHP. The set is very affordable, and you can afford it. And if you need to use the toilet, the same snack bar is also available CR; you only pay 5 PHP.


How to get there?

And if you want to visit that spring and if you come from Cebu North bus terminal or here in Mandaue, it's 70 to 80 kilometers away, just take a bus going to Tabuelan or Tuburan Cebu; the fare is probably 150 to 170 PHP.


If you have your own car, just use Google Maps or Waze; just put the Cantacuyan spring Tabuelan Cebu and you will be able to get there. And as for parking, you can park your car on the side of the road because they have a big road there; just park on the side of it, and there is no charge, so you don't have to worry about parking, as long as the parking is correct there is nothing to worry about.


Even for the short time that we are given and allowed by the Almighty, we should be happy because he has allowed everything good and bad that happens to us to have a purpose, so we will always be grateful for the good things that come into our lives and will still arrive.


As of now friends, this is all I have to share with you today and I hope you enjoy what I share with you. until next time thank you and God bless.

Jem Malag

Greetings from Jedum's Hive little corner. I am an airdrop crypto hunter. And at the same time I am a Gospel singer-songwriter- composer, and now an apprentice blogger of the Hive community and still learning about Hive block chain echo system.

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