Whirlwind Romance with the World's Famous Cities (Part 1)

Some adventures of the past can't just be forgotten, one of which is our whirlwind adventure somewhere around a vast estate called Window of the World in the city of Shenzhen China. As the name suggests, one would easily know that the place houses many great landmarks around the world. On this trip, we had a day to check all there was to see.

We were greeted by this welcome gate as we arrived at the vicinity. As this happened during the freer days, a lot of people were already there ready to seize the day.

It was quite gloomy as we started but it turned out, the day had many surprises! Getting through the gates after settling our tickets, we got our first fascination through this magnificent fountain and the replica of "Louvre Museum" in the background.

Walking a little distance, we found ourselves admiring the proud Eiffel Tower standing so tall amongst the high-rise buildings in the surroundings!

To get to the blue gate (the entrance to a beautiful world), one would have to pass through towering walls filled with many amazing Egyptian carvings and beautifully designed pillars too.

Coming through, the first on our list of countries to see was, of course, Paris with two of its proud and towering monuments, the Eiffel Tower and The Arch De Triomphe. Who would wanna miss the city's grandeur?

The photos were taken quite poorly, pardon :)

These were taken around the evening time

The extent to which these monuments were built is just astounding! It made me wonder about the length of time spent to be able to re-create these sights to the exact copies of their originals.

The lights in the evening made it so romantic that we found ourselves spending some more time around the Arch.

After romancing with the astonishing towers of Paris, we headed to Rome! And where else one gets his feet but to one of the city's historical monuments, the Colosseum!

It took us a while to marvel at the beauty of the ruins as we had ourselves imagine the many great battles the Gladiators of the past have been through in that giant gladiator's nest.

And what came up next surprised us even more! The beautiful piece, Leaning Tower of Pisa of Italy. While this replica stands a little short, the real Tower is said to stand at 185 feet high.

The rendezvous in the tower was cut short as we needed to move on. We were glad that the weather got a lot nicer as we approached the City of Venice! We stayed a little longer to wander around the canals and took some more time in the shops too.

But then we have to move once again because we don't wanna run out of time. Our feet brought us to the Netherlands.

We had quite a surprise when the drizzles started to fall but we were not deterred to keep on. We missed checking the Tulips up close though. Their interesting and astonishing windmills wowed us to our core! If the drizzles didn't come, we probably had our bodies rolling on those green grass!

From there, we flew to Sydney! And we were happy that the weather cleared up. Of course, the trip won't be complete without getting our eyes on the famous Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

After having our dose of these wondrous sights, we decided to go for a much-needed meal to fill our hungry stomachs.

Half a day went so fast and we still have a lot to see!

Many thanks for joining me and see you next time as we wander and explore the cities of the US, Africa, Asia, and yes, will be back and savor more of Europe too!

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