Our day Trip to Lakawon Island

Life is beautiful! Each day is a new adventure, with new discoveries and thrilling journey. There will always be unexpected things to happen along the way, so as a rule I always welcome the unexpected.

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Such unexpected things happen to me, when one day, I received a call from my friend; informing me that she just arrived from the United Kingdom, of course I was so surprised, its been long years we haven’t communicated. A day after, she told me to meet her at the bus terminal going to the northern part of our island. Well, I packed my go bag and somehow with some trepidation on what was to come. We boarded the Ceres bus at the North Terminal going to Cadiz which was around two (2) hours trip, because she said, she wanted to commute. It’s a good decision, because we saved so much, compared with taking a taxi which will cost us PHP. 1,200 for the trip.

Actually, as we travel I really didn’t know where we are going. I just go with the flow I guess. We go down at Barangay Burgos, Cadiz bus terminal and took a pedicab/tricycle going to the jetty of Cadiz Viejo, you just have to pay PHP 150. for the entire trip. You will traverse through a beautiful countryside, paved wide road and less motorized traffic, easy to for those new to the place, because the road lead straight to the jetty, with a comfort room designed to accommodate the tourist.

When we arrived at the jetty, it was pouring hard. We stayed at the jetty’s terminal with other passengers waiting for the boat to take us to the island, we have to wait for an hour, due to a heavy downpour of rain. The Coastguard will not allow the boat to leave due to strong winds and heavy rain. Yet we still pay PHP 750. for the day trip, this includes the use of a cottage on the island. When the wind subsides, we all proceeds to the jetty for the trip to the island.






It was one exciting boat trip, with strong gust of wind and big waves battering our boat. The inclement weather abated when we were at the middle of our trip, the sun shines unexpectedly and the black clouds seems to be swept away from the face of the earth, clear blue sky welcomes us to the island. I surmised that from Cadiz Viejo jetty it could be more than four (4) kilometers to Lakawon island.

Allow me to share some of the things I know about this island. The Lakawon Island resort is around 16 hectares surrounded by white sands and crystal clear water.









You can do lots of fun activities in the island, like banana boat ride, snorkeling, swimming, jet ski, just loafing or sight seeing around the island. There were places on the island which can be a great profile pictures, or subjects for photography novices like me.





It has a souvenir shop, a restaurant with great and lip smacking foods ,a bar where you can enjoy cocktails and a good drink with friends. There’s also an accommodation for those who wanted an overnight stay. But what’s really fascinating about the island is its floating restaurant, the cottages situated along the white seashore, the picturesque bridge of the jetty and the awesome sunset you can have depending on the time of the day.





I really enjoy the time I had spent with my friends in the island. It’s not the delicious food we ate, nor the most refreshing cocktails and drinks we have, but it was more of the togetherness we shared, the friendship that was rekindled and the fun we have, far from the bustle and hustle of city life. Even for a day, I experienced a kind of freedom, which in a way is liberating, with nothing to worry about, just the sea water spraying your face, the place offering you serenity and quiet, and looking up the clear azure sky with fluffy clouds hanging like cottons, then you can surely breathe and relax, “indeed, t’was a day worth living.”









I do have fun taking some pictures of our trip to Lakawon Island Resort, it might not be that good, but it preserved those beautiful moments I have with my friends. I hope that as I shared this wonderful travel experiences I had with my friends, I also have taken you with me to a trip to that island as you read my post. I am grateful, for you taking the time to read and support a newbie like me, hoping too that my writing styles, could have at least fulfill your standards and expectations. Have a great day!

Life is beautiful! Carpe Diem!

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