Old City After My Own Old Heart

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I don't resonate with most small cities. I know for some people, they're quaint and peaceful and so on, but for me, they mostly lose their charm after a day or two. Probably the case with Sibiu, if I'd stayed long enough. Thankfully, the trip was short and sweet, enough to enjoy the place, the excellent coffee, and the pretty streets.

Pretty Streets

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Sibiu is one of the older cities in Romania, founded sometime in the 12th century. One thing that stands out about it, compared to my own Bucharest, is that there, much of the old town is still left intact. While there are traditional apartment blocks toward the edges of the old town, you still get plenty of old houses as well, which
I love.

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The colorful buildings reminded me of Czechia. I'm a big lover of color, and that's another thing you don't see so much in Bucharest. Apartment blocks are painted a horrid mishmash of kindergarten colors, and the houses that still stand in Buc tend to be a little bland. Not in Sibiu, though.

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Another thing that to me appeals a great deal is the winding, sprawling nature of Sibiu's streets. Up and down, stairs upon stairs (great for hefting around luggage!).

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There's a psychological aspect to going down a long-ass staircase in the middle of the city. It kinda makes you feel like you're in a different place for a little while, and it's exciting, and secretive. A thrill. You can wander down the staircase and disappear.

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You wanna?

The Prettiest Street

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That's actually the name of this long street cutting through the heart of Sibiu -- the beautiful street, in translation.

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You can see why. If you like, you can even go up to the defence tower, and scour the horizon for incoming danger. :) I didn't. Maybe I felt safe at the time.

Flowers, flowers everywhere

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Another way in which the city pleasantly surprised me was the abundance of flowers.

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It's not only beautiful, but clever marketing -- this bridge above is filled all day long with tourists taking selfies. Then their friends see it and think well, that's a really gorgeous view, we should go. Other cities, you just heart 'em cause it's your friends on holiday, but you wouldn't actually go.

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You know I have a thing for statues, and these ladies, I found particularly striking.

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It's a strange practice, all these buildings being propped up on the backs of women. Wonder if it's symbolic.

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To lighten the mood with happier, faces, here's love. And here's me.

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Craft fairs

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I'm a huge lover of anything handmade, cutesy craft. I like the idea of supporting indie artists. While I despise wandering the mall, I could spend hours passing from craft table to craft table in an open air fair, like this one.

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I like buying accessories in venues like this one, since you're getting something pretty damn unique. Not like mall shopping, at all. Years ago, I got a pair of guitar-shaped earrings, made of wood, with a matching pendant, all painted with the Pink Floyd prism. People kept asking where I'd got them. I went back to the same fair down the years, but I never found that stand again. I think that's cool.

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Anything catch your eye?

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Anyway, that's how I spent last weekend. I don't yet know how I'll spend the one that's starting. Looking at interior design, probably. But that's a different post. ;)

What are you up to?


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