Steps to Spirituality: Taoist Temple Tour

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Isn't it a beautiful day for another blog? Hello, hives; I hope you all have a great day ahead! It's me again Helianthus-chloe, this year I felt like my summer break was missing something. I had to travel and explore the Cebu City.

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In Cebu City, there are many places that you will explore, such as beaches, ancient houses old establishments or unique architectural designs.


These places are accessible and not that far away from the city. I was thinking of a tourist spot that I haven't visited yet. An interesting place or perhaps a temple where I know I could spend hours beholding the architectural designs and the views.


So I searched on Google for a place where I could view architectural design. While searching, I google gave plenty of tourist spots that have architectural design, but some of those I had already been to.


Upon arriving at the Parking lot, this sign will welcome you to the Philippine Taoist Temple; this sign will foreshadow what the temple could be.


A Taoist temple is a place for people who believe in Taoism, where they implore their faith and life; the design of the place is Chinese-related.


Upon entering there are some guidelines posted on the gate of the Taoist Temple.

When you are at the premises of the Taoist Temple we should observe silence and respect the place as will the devotees of the Taoist Temple.

While I was climbing the stairs, I noticed that the Taoist temple was mixed with red, green and yellow colours, and the roof had a design of a dragon.



When I continued climbing the stairs, I already saw the roof of the main hall of the Taoist Temple, where you will see devotees solemnly praying for guidance and blessing from their God.



Take note that taking pictures of the saint inside the Main hall is probably because the place was sacred to people of Taoism.



Little did I know that this Taoist Temple was built way back in 1972 by the Chinese community here in Cebu.



The place was picturesque. Everywhere you go is Instagramable. They also have a place where you can chill and relax while watching the nature and city view.


Taoist Procedures in Communicating with God

According to Taoist beliefs, you can communicate with God using a pair of kidney-shaped wooden blocks. Whether you have a question, a problem, or a wish, you may receive God’s answer by doing this correctly.

  1. Wash your hands (which symbolizes cleanliness)
  2. Light a joss stick, kneel while holding the joss stick with both hands and ask for guidance and enlightenment
  3. Hold two wooden blocks flat side up
  4. Ask your question or say your wish one at a time
  5. Drop the wooden blocks and see God’s answer

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do this because I took too much of my time exploring and taking pictures.

Rules of the Temple


1.No photography inside the temples and prayer rooms. While you are allowed to take photos of every other part of the complex, please do not take pictures of the interior of the buildings or anything inside.

  1. Observe silence. Again, it is a place of prayer so zip it and
    explore the place quietly.

  2. Stay in the 30 minutes to 1 hour

Also, respect others and leave nothing but footprints.


walking down the stairs, I realised that spending hour inside the Temple is not enough, but it was time to go, and I would surely come back to this place.

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Anyway, That's all for today and thank you for reading my blog your effort in reading my blog is much appreciated. And please don't forget to support me by reblogging this blog thank you and may God bless you all.

Ciao 💛✨☺️ Lovelots

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