Hidden Peaceful Utopia - Virgin Beach Resort | Malbago, Daanbantayan, Cebu

Hello! 👋 Hi! Mabuhay! How are you dear Hivers? I hope everyone's doing fine! ✨

If life is hard and tiring, we often look for remedies around us. It could be a cup of coffee with friends, a good sleep, a night-out, a solo travel to mountain, or a deep breath in the beach. Either way, we should always look for extensions of our feelings and emotions so that it will not get heavy.

Now, if you choose to take a deep breath in the beach, you might ask a question, "where to?" Well, I will bring you to this hidden peaceful utopia of the north, the Virgin Beach Resort in Malbago, Daanbantayan, Cebu. So keep reading!

Virgin Beach Resort

Virgin Beach Resort is located in the northern part of Cebu. It is estimated to be 120 kilometers away from the city. It takes 4 hours and 30 minutes if you go by bus but saves your time if you go by a private vehicle. For easier access, navigate the map and search for the name of the resort.


When I am stressed, either I buy some snacks or I go for a travel. And today, I decided to go somewhere far and unknown.

I have no knowledge that there is this beach that offers tranquility and refreshment. I searched for resorts that are affordable yet nice-looking. The search button brought me to this resort.

How to get there?

When you reached in the barangay of Malbago, there posted a large signage of the Virgin Beach Resort. From the drop-off point, the road is quite small which a private vehicle could pass. From there, it will take you around 20 minutes drive to reach your destination. There are many road corners, so read all the signs and arrows going to the resort.



Now if you this splitted roads, that means you are near to your destination. Keep navigating! Yeeey! You're almost there! If you see this coconut trees, that means you are a minute away.



At last, the Virgin Beach Resort it is! The entrance fee and health protocols are displayed outside the gate. This resort is well-maintained because of these regulatory rules imposed by the management. Surely, you can really relax and distressed in this place.



The Virgin Beach Resort is founded in 1995, according to the owner I spoke with. He added that not all resorts will last this long. The secret recipe of this well-maintained resort is love and care.


Need Stretching? Let's have a game!

Even before you reach the reception area, you can already see that the resort has lots of activities to do. One of them is the basketball. So if you want to get sweat and stretch your muscles, you got the right thing.


Wait, there's more! They also have a space for chess and billiard enthusiasts. Wow! I have not gone to resort with something like these. C'mon, let's have a one game!



Welcomes you, the Reception Area!

The parking and reception area are connected. The owner will welcome you and humbly entertain you. The staff are so friendly and amiable. They will guide to the resort.



After you register your name and address in the reception corner, you can now explore the whole resort. But, if you want to sit down and pause for a break yet, You can also start you exploration in their bookshelves. Or if a bottle of beer suits better, have one!




As I toured around, I saw some photos hung in the wall and a little monkey made from a coconut. Hi there, little one!



I guess I wasn't able to explore in their function room. But these tables right here could cater activities, meals or meetings.


If you plan to stay overnight, worry more because this resort got you. Their cottages are spacious and are all air-conditioned. My mistake for not asking the room rates, I'll get back to you once I come back here soon. ✨



The Stunning view

Look! There is a pool of fish. I bet not all resorts has this. See? The fish are sooooo big. Forgive my shocking tone, I am just super amazed. (chuckles).

And the plants that surround this pond, I know, are expensive. They are cultivated and grown beautifully just like these fish. I am in awe to see that the resort has space for this.





Another eye-catching view are wall murals. There are murals about the endangered species, nature, and even abstract ones that are hard to fathom. As I look closely, each painting depicts life meanings and lessons. I'm falling in love in this place even more.



Even going to the sea, murals can be seen too. I really appreciate paintings that much because it somehow tells a story of who the painter is. My salute to all painters out there!


These miniatures in the resort are good for the kids. As an aunt, I always look for places where my nephew and nieces could enjoy. Sadly, I was not able to bring them with me here. Not just that, they can also enjoy the wide grasses.





Their swimming pool is quite small but good enough all ages. I saw kids happily swimming and splashing in the water. One thing I regret this time was not bringing extra clothes with me. (sniffs)


The pool has a short bridge. Perhaps, this only serves for selfie purposes. Yet, the colors of these pool look stunning and refreshing.



Food for thought as I look at the kids: When you were young, you only worry of the candies that fall off the ground and the toys you did not get. You would not worry of the time, people and your life. So make use of your time. Enjoy the best that you can because it will never go back.



Other Fun Activities to Do here!

Roaming around, I saw another set of activities where you can enjoy. An obstacle course! If you are bored from sitting, you can play the game. Piece of advice: "Play this game with friends". This course can enhance your mind, body and spirit. My heart melts in this perfect place.

And oh, by the way, if you are not fond of this obstacle course, you can be a perfect cheerer, there's a swinging bench or a seesaw for you.



Lastly, the beautiful sound of the waves coming from the sea will let feel in heaven. Such a perfect quick getaway where you can enjoy both recreational activities and relax.




There's also a small nipa hut that has an overlooking view of the sea. And a karaoke area to sing your hearts out loud. Truth be told, you will forget your worries and struggles when you come here.



To end, Always take a photo of yourself when you travel, so that you have something to look back all the good memories you had in that place.


Thank you for reading this far! I hope you had fun. Have a good one! 💕

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