Exploring the coast of the Netherlands!

I am traveling trough the Netherlands, exploring and photographing the beauty of the Netherlands for you.

This week i went to the coast of the peninsula of Goeree-Overflakkee! It's part of the province of South-Holland and a very nice place for recreation. Many tourists go to this place in spring and summer! 

The beach!

Parts of this peninsula is next to the North-sea and part is bordering the Grevelingen Lake. In the old day's this lake also was part of the North-sea but do to the floods in 1953 they build a big dam across the islands to keep the sea out. Its called the Brouwersdam! 


I wanted to go to this beach because there was a storm coming from the north. The location of this spot is a bit in to the north-sea so i could see the clouds and rain showers come on to land. And the light house is a nice background for photographing. Big parts of the dunes are swallowed by the sea du to the high water that came with the storm. 

Lighthouse Westhoofd!Lighthouse Westhoofd!  Panorama of 6 vertical pictures!Panorama of 6 vertical pictures!

The weather conditions were very hard, i saw everything that day. Wind, snow, hail and rain. But that's what i love the most. It was difficult photographing al this because of the weather. Had to Photoshop a lot, many droplets on the lens! At this moment the water was at its lowest point and the tide came in quickly so i had to move to another location. 


That's the part of that cuts of the North sea from the Grevelingen Lake. This location is popular by kite-surfers but no buddy was there. The winds were to much At least 9 Beaufort, that's at least 20 meters per second.  Love the metric system ;) 

My beauty on top of the dam!My beauty on top of the dam!  Long exposure of the incoming water!Long exposure of the incoming water! 

I took some pictures inside the breakwater, it was a little beter standing there and i wanted to photograph the breakwater to. 

After a while i got cold and i decided to go to the campsite and warm up a little. got myself some warm food and went of to the last location of that day. The beach of Ouddorp. On the weather apps i saw a lot of rain, hail and snow and i didn't thought the sunset was getting good but i was there so i had to go out. Real FOMO :p.


This is the brouwersdam, they begon to build it in 1962 and it's 6 kilometers long construction was ready in 1972! The inlet between Goeree-Overflakkee at the top and Schouwen-Duiveland at the bottom was 30 meters deep. Big concrete bloks where dumpt in the sea and sand was put on top of that. But due to the tides the current was very strong in some points.  Because of this dam the water levels behind it doped significantly and was more than 3000 hectares of new dry land created. They installed a lock system in the year 1978 and that made it possible again to go out to sea. Next time that i go there i wil take my drone with me and make some nice pictures from the skly for you! 

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