we have a winner! hehehe we are going to....

Well that was fun! but our guessing game has ended!

If you haven't seen the winning answer yet, let's see if you can get it now!

I'll throw in a few more extra clues hehehe We already know that it is in the southern hemisphere, its surrounded by the I.O. (Indian Ocean! hehe), which makes it an island country! It has two airports. And now... some extra clues:

  • Our travel (from California) to get there will take 36 hours! 😱 This is literally the FARTHEST we have ever traveled!!! I'm so excited!

  • It's the ONLY country where the Dodo has ever inhabited! (wow!)

  • It hosts an UNDERWATER waterfall!!! (check it out!)

  • and... my husband says... "it kinda rhymes with delicious! and nutritious!" LOLOLOL. Can you tell he cooks for a living? hahaha

so.... can you guess???

Congratulations @brijwhiz!!! You guessed it!!! You won yourself your choice of 2 level 5 DreeMerge cards! heheh I know you are a brand new dreemer! So if you'd like to know more about these cards - just jump into the discord channel and I'll tell you all about them!

Yep!!! That's where we will be!!!

Many countries don't need a visa at all to head to Mauritius- but for our Nigerian dreemers - don't worry!!! You guys get a (hopefully easy) Visa On Arrival! Definitely check it out! Looks like we won't have any visa issues for this trip! woo hoooo! I am SO looking forward to this. We have 298 days until we meet... hehehe but who's counting??? me. LOL

Now... it's time to merge up all those cards and see if you can get your Ultimate Quill card before the drawing!

First: Several people have been asking how to merge their cards and want to know more about them. If you'd like I can hold a live walkthrough where you guys can come to discord and I'll help you from start to finish! Let me know in discord if you'd like that!

Next thing: I'd love a small group of dreemers that would be willing to jump into the Marketplace to try it out. It's been available for our staff - but now we want to try it for you guys! We want to just do a small group at first so that if there are still any errors, we can fix! If any of you would like to join that group - feel free to tag me in discord and I'll add you to a room where we can hold the live session! (Once we have a group - we can decide on a good time to hold it) Thanks all :)

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

travel, flashers, and Mauritius images created on canva pro (free for canva pro users), edited on photopea.com

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