EuroVelo 7 - Verona to Peschiera del Garda 45 km

My first day in Verona started early because I was very excited to see where I ended up last night arriving late from the train station by taxi in this camping with an interesting name "Castel San Pietro" located somewhere on the higher grounds of Verona. I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

My italian home in Verona
My italian home in Verona

I was curious to see the city of love waking up, bathed in the morning light and by good chance I was exactly in the best place for doing this from one of the camping terraces.

Buongiorno Verona!
Buongiorno Verona!

As the name suggests "Camping Castel San Pietro is located in the area of the historic centre of Verona. This natural oasis, enclosed within the ancient city walls of Verona, is a large botanical garden that descends towards the city centre, reachable in 10 minutes on foot or with the cable car that connects the square of Castel San Pietro to the Ponte Pietra- Bridge."

The camping facilities are decent, nothing fancy but correct for the 22 EUR price/adult/pitch/day in 2022 considering the location and season.

Clean facilities
Clean facilities

Lovely terrace to enjoy an Italian espresso
Lovely terrace to enjoy an Italian espresso

My breakfast for about 6 EUR
My breakfast for about 6 EUR

You can have breakfast on this lovely terrace with enough options to choose from their little grocery store located inside.

Cannot have asked for more
Cannot have asked for more

And may be a second coffee with a view on the upper terrace? Why not!
 And may be a second coffee with a view on the upper terrace? Why not!

Love this camping already
Love this camping already

Before checking out with my loaded bike which I'll go to pick up later, I decided to go for a light short walk in the historic centre of Verona since it was so close to the camping and still early.

Found the bike rental agency to which I’ll return later to pick up my bike
Found the bike rental agency to which I'll return later to pick up my bike

Ponte Pietra, the entrance to the old town
Ponte Pietra, the entrance to the old town

Adige waters a bit muddy this morning from the last night rain
Adige waters a bit muddy this morning from the last night rain

Everything is so quiet in the morning
Everything is so quiet in the morning

Oh, that feeling of walking these streets for the first time...
Oh, that feeling of walking these streets for the first time...

Scaliger tombs, gothic funerary monument from the 14th century
Scaliger tombs, gothic funerary monument from the 14th century

Found Romeo’s house at no. 4
Found Romeo's house at no. 4

Piazza Independenza
Piazza Independenza

After Romeo, a visit to Juliet at no. 21 on Via Cappello was a must
 After Romeo, a visit to Juliet at no. 21 on Via Cappello was a must

And the famous Juliet’s balcony
And the famous Juliet's balcony

Actually Casa di Giulietta which is one of Verona's main turistic attractions was a former inn belonging to Cappello family which dates back to the 14th century. The Capulet family’s houses was not actually located here, but rather in the vicinity of the bank of the River Adige

The famous balcony was later added in the 20th century after being retrieved from other medieval house which was demolished when the municipality had to build a dam to prevent the river from flooding the city. The director of the Verona Civic Museum at the time - Antonio Avena – placed it in the courtyard of the Cappello family’s tower-house, which had just been purchased by the city of Verona to be turned into a museum: thus Juliet’s balcony was born.

It is unknown if Shakespeare ever visited Verona or Italy, but his plays have lured many visitors to Verona and surrounding cities.

Juliette never actually existed but her statue is made from real bronze
Juliette never actually existed but her statue is made from real bronze

In the morning it’s not so crowded, later it will be
In the morning it's not so crowded, later it will be 

Verona, the city of love is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since November 2000 because of its urban structure and architecture. Indeed Verona is a joy to discover on foot with so many well preserved buildings to see and its rich history to learn about.

Statue of Berto Barbarani in Piazza delle Erbe
Statue of Berto Barbarani in Piazza delle Erbe

Berto Barbarani, the poet of Verona born in 1872 was one of the most significant italian poets of the 20th century.

Piazza delle Erbe
Piazza delle Erbe

Walking on the old streets of Verona is like time travel
Walking on the old streets of Verona is like time travel

View over Castel San Pietro
View over Castel San Pietro

After a short two hours first walk in the old town of Verona, I think it's now time to pick up my rented bike from Itinera Bike & Travel and start this year's adventure on EuroVelo 7

20 EUR/day for this nice red touring bike, helmet included
20 EUR/day for this nice red touring bike, helmet included

You can rent an e-bike if this is what you prefer these days
You can rent an e-bike if this is what you prefer these days

Loaded and ready to go!
Loaded and ready to go!

Now let's go discover the north of Italy together on EuroVelo 7, shall we?

Verona’s tallest Medieval tower built in 1172 offering panoramic views
Verona's tallest Medieval tower built in 1172 offering panoramic views

Since it was already in the afternoon by the time I packed everything and left the camping, I thought it's a good idea to grab something to eat on my way out of the city which luckily was through the centre where all the shops and restaurants are.

Can’t leave Verona without having a gelato
Can't leave Verona without having a gelato 

Arena di Verona, a roman amphitheater hosting operas
Arena di Verona, a roman amphitheater hosting operas

Castelvecchio Museum
Castelvecchio Museum

Finally on the open road again
Finally on the open road again

From Verona I cycled mostly on secondary roads to Peschiera del Garda where I joined the EuroVelo 7 route.

Feeling like a ”italiano” cycling along this beautiful countryside road
Feeling like a "italiano" cycling along this beautiful countryside road

 Cycling for the first time in Italy along this beautiful countryside road, a song by Toto Cutugno suddenly came to my mind which I used to listen a lot as a kid in my parents car while driving to my grandma for the holidays on the other side of my country. The good old days of the audio tape, limited songs and autoreverse.

Saluti a tutti!
Saluti a tutti! 

Took this short cool off opportunity to look for a place to rest for tonight and luckily I found couple of campings outside of Peschiera on the shore of lake Garda, which is a very popular holiday destination.

Arrived on the left side of the Mincio river
Arrived on the left side of the Mincio river

Crossed the dam to the right side of Mincio to join the main route
Crossed the dam to the right side of Mincio to join the main route

Back on EuroVelo 7 again after one year and heading north to Peschiera
Back on EuroVelo 7 again after one year and heading north to Peschiera

The fortress at Peschiera built between the 15th and 17th centuries
The fortress at Peschiera built between the 15th and 17th centuries

The town is encircled by massive Venetian defensive systems that have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 9 July 2017. 

Didn't have much time to explore the fortress because it was already late when I arrived and my priority was to arrive at a camping site I found on Maps, but still very lucky to witness an amazing sunset on my way there.

Sunset over lake Garda
Sunset over lake Garda

There are many campings north of Peschiera and luckily I found a spot for my tent in one of them just before it was getting dark outside.  A shower and 30 minutes later I invited myself for dinner on this nice restaurant terrace near the lake. The menu choice was simple: pizza and beer for the cyclist! 

I think I could probably cross Italy only running on this fuel :)
I think I could probably cross Italy only running on this fuel :) 

Day 1 map: Verona to Peschiera del Garda 45 km
Day 1 map: Verona to Peschiera del Garda 45 km

Full sunny days like this is what I love about bike touring, what's driving me to find a way to come back on EuroVelo each year, the unique blend of local natural and cultural elements and flavours plus a drop of adventure on top is what I love about cycling on EuroVelo and also my recommendation for you.

Until next time,

©Discover EuroVelo

All photos were taken with my iPhone 11 and Sony DSC-HX60V camera.

EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network are registered marks of ECF asbl.

I have no affiliation with EuroVelo or other organisations mentioned here, I am just a traveller sharing his bike touring trips, views and opinions.

EuroVelo is a network of 17 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the whole European continent totaling over 90,000 km of cycling itineraries.

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