Greetings, fellow human travelers, how are you...

Colombia is a country with great tourist appeal, and today, in this adventure, I invite you to explore everything it has to offer as we journey to the municipality of Envigado, near the city of MedellĂ­n.


Today, I want to talk to you about a small village called Arenales, which is located just 30 minutes from the main square of Envigado if you take public transportation. It has a magical spot that you'll see in this post.

We traveled there by motorcycle, and for the first time, I encountered a park ranger who gave us some directions about the reserve where we would be walking.

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Later, I was able to park my motorcycle at a house of someone who offers this service for about 80 cents dollars (3,000 Colombian pesos). They were very kind and even offered me some delicious "Agua de Panela" and a chance to admire the landscape. It was lovely because they made us feel right at home.

But this was just the beginning of our adventure. The path is beautiful and wooden, accompanied by some signs that talk about the landscape and the diversity of the area as we made our way around the mountain.

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In the photos, it looks like everything is made of wood, or so we thought. Little by little, the terrain became more challenging. Further ahead, we had to cross the river to continue through the forest toward our destination. Interestingly, we hopped across rocks to avoid getting our shoes wet, but as you'll see later, that was pointless, haha.

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Continuing through the forest, we had to cross the river again, but this time, we definitely had to get our feet wet. I was wearing new sneakers, thinking the trail wouldn’t be like this.

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On the way, we encountered many people, mostly foreigners (native English speakers), who were amazed by the adventure it had turned into.

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Friends, to reach our destination, we had to climb up the river (at some points, the water almost reached my chest) and even scale a rock to reach this marvel, which I now present to you as EL CHORRO DE LAS CAMPANAS, a special place with wonderful energy and peace that Mother Nature bestows upon us.

I love waterfalls, and reaching this one was magical. It’s the tallest waterfall I’ve ever seen. There were several people there since it was a Sunday, and it seems to be a popular tourist spot.

From where we left the motorcycle to the waterfall, it took us about 1 hour and 10 minutes. I would rate the difficulty at 3/5, but every step was worth it.

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We jumped into the water, where I felt the true power of this waterfall, along with the coldness of its waters, despite the slight sunshine. Luckily, we had bought some food at the house where we left the motorcycle because we were getting hungry.

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In conclusion, I loved going there and not knowing what we’d encounter as we climbed to this incredible spot. Here, I’m showing you another side of Colombia and the variety of tourism it has to offer.

Well, friends, thank you so much for reading my post and making it this far. As always, I remind you to learn something new, travel, exercise, and pursue YOUR HAPPINESS.

Blessings, and see you on the next journey...


Saludos humanos viajeros como estĂĄn...

Colombia es un paĂ­s con un gran atractivo turĂ­stico y hoy en esta aventura te invito a que veas todo lo que tiene para ofrecer en este viaje que hicimos hacia el municipio de Envigado cerca de la ciudad MedellĂ­n.

Hoy quiero hablarles una pequeña vereda llamada Arenales ,la cual esta situada a solo 30 minutos del parque principal de Envigado si vas en transporte publico la cual tiene un sitio mågico que verån en este post.

Nosotros viajamos hacia allí en moto donde por primera vez me encontré con un Guardabosques el cual nos dio algunas indicaciones sobre la reserva por donde íbamos a caminar.

Mas adelante pude guardar mi moto en una casa de una persona que presta ese servicio por alrededor de 80 centavos ( 3000 pesos Colombianos ), los cuales fueron muy amables y hasta me invitaron a tomar una rica agua de panela y a divisar el paisaje. Es muy bonito porque te hacen sentir en casa .

Pero esto era solo el inicio de nuestra aventura. El camino es hermoso y en madera, el cual esta acompañado de algunos carteles que nos van hablando del paisaje y la diversidad de este sitio mientras vamos rodeando la montaña.

En las fotos se ve que esta todo hecho en madera o eso pensĂĄbamos ya que poco a poco el terreno se va volviendo mas difĂ­cil.
Mas adelante nos toca pasar el rio para continuar por el bosque hacia nuestro sitio. Algo curioso es que saltĂĄbamos las piedras para nos mojarnos nuestros zapatos, pero mas adelante verĂĄn que eso lo hicimos para nada jeje.

Continuando por este bosque nos tocaba de nuevo volver a pasar el rio, pero ya nos tocaba mojarnos los pies si o si y eso que yo iba con tenis nuevos porque yo pensaba que el camino no seria asĂ­.

En el camino nos encontramos con muchas personas pero mas que todo con extranjeros ( gente que habla ingles nativo ) quien estaban maravillados con esta aventura en lo que se convirtiĂł.

Amigos para llegar a nuestro destino nos tocaba subir por el rio ( en partes me llego el agua casi hasta mi pecho ), hasta escalar una roca para llegar a esta maravilla la cual les presento que se llama EL CHORRO DE LAS CAMPANAS ,un sitio especial con una energĂ­a maravillosa y una paz que nos regala la madre naturaleza.

Yo amo las cascadas y poder llegar allĂ­ fue mĂĄgico, esta es la cascada mas alta que he visto; habĂ­an varias personas ya que era Domingo y es muy turĂ­stico subir allĂ­ por lo que veo.

De donde dejamos la moto hasta la cascada nos demoramos alrededor de 1:10 minutos yo le pongo de dificultad 3/5 pero vale cada paso que dimos.

Nos metimos al agua donde sentĂ­ el verdadero poder de esta cascada junto con el frio de sus aguas que tenĂ­amos allĂ­ y eso que estaba haciendo un leve sol, menos mal habĂ­amos comprado algo de comida en la casa donde dejamos la moto porque ya tenĂ­amos hambre.

En conclusiĂłn me encanto ir y no saber con que encontrarme mientras subĂ­a a este sitio tan genial. AquĂ­ les muestro otras partes de Colombia y la variedad turismos que puede ofrecer.

Bueno amigos muchas gracias por leer mi post y llegar hasta aquĂ­; como siempre te recuerdo aprender algo nuevo, viajar, hacer deporte y buscar TU FELICIDAD.

Bendiciones, nos vemos en otro viaje...


To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
photos of my authorship taken with the xiaomi redmi note 8 my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks

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