Cinque Terre Italian Walk

Hi fellow Travelers,

Today I dipped back into my archive of many old pictures and pulled out some additional Italy ones to share with my friends!


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Cinque Terre Italian Walk

Cinque Terre was an absolutely stunning and beautiful place. Nested in the hills along the Mediterranean, it was absolutely one of my favorite places to be, particularly because I love the water!

My wife and I did a lot of traveling years ago, but only one stint in Europe. We explored quite a number of places when we were in Italy and I think our only regret is not spending more time in specific areas. We enjoyed a nice full day exploring the beauty of Cinque Terre but I know that we would have liked to see it more. Can't change some of these things though, so we do have a number of pictures to look back on all these years later and remember how incredible it was!


Italy was so much fun, walking around the ancient history everywhere we went. The buildings were mostly stone or concrete and I love that. I do appreciate some old wooden houses but there's nothing for me like a nice ancient stone or brick building. It has so much more beauty to it than these others! Especially compared to these disgusting glass buildings all over the place.. lol.

Cinque Terre is a place that means Five Lands which refers to the five towns that make up the area right along the sea. It was everything you would expect those iconic pictures to be: sun, warmth, people, beauty and the sea. It was so full of life and vibrancy! You even got some good local stuff as well as the ultra tourist stuff which was nice.


We spent most of our time at Vernazza and I think we got to see one or two of the other towns, though I can't quite tell from the pictures if it was Monterosso and Riomaggiore or if it was one or the other. Hard to say, especially because it was so long ago lol. We did get a bunch of beautiful and iconic pictures at Vernazza so I know we for sure did that one.

It was so incredible just walking around the town with the beautiful buildings, stacked high and people all there to explore the wonder and beauty that is Italy. I loved seeing all of the little markets and things that were dotted along the major walkways too! I remember we got plenty of fresh fruits and even some delicious gigantic oranges and lemons. The lemons were the size of a freaking grape fruit that you see in grocery stores hahaha it was insane!


One of the things that I loved the most was every town you went to, there was an obvious town center. I think that we get away from that in the American cities. We don't really have many "centers" for people to go do some exploring in and stuff. It's a missed opportunity, really. I loved walking around the shops that were dotting the center, getting a drink or a slice of pizza. Hanging out on the benches or underneath trees and just overall enjoying the atmosphere while walking. I know that there are plenty of other things to say about the towns and cities in Europe but that is one of the facts that stands out to me so well thinking back to it, and seeing this picture below. We spent quite a bit of time at these centers and on almost every one of them there was a church which was really nice. We aren't the most diehard faithful people but we do appreciate the focus of faith that people used to have and think that we should get back to something like that, for nothing else but building beautiful giant buildings lol


The water was unreal! We only got to swim in it a tiny bit, when we went to Monterosso which was the beach related place. The color of the water was so beautiful, unlike anything we are used to at home. It was obviously also quite warm and enjoyable to spend time in it. We didn't think that it was a good idea to try and get in the water here in the bay lol but there were some people who were getting in and out of it at the beach there. We found that a little weird, it was okay but didn't feel like the cleanest idea plus there were thousands of people walking around. We didn't want to get our stuff stolen! Lol.

We know that one day we are hoping to get to a point where we can go back to this beautiful area with our son to show him the wonders of this amazing place. With the stupidity of the world, we aren't holding out much hope there lol but it's a goal that we have and will work towards one day fulfilling!


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