Floating Life in Lan Ha Bay

There is an ancient floating village tucked away on the ocean in northern Vietnam called Cai Beo. Here you will find some amazing hidden secrets about the culture, lifestyle, and beautiful landscapes at sea. Now, let’s take a journey together to discover the life of the people in this village

Location of Cai Beo Floating Village

Belonging to Cat Ba island archipelago, Cai Beo floating village is hidden in the most beautiful place in the world that is recognized by UNESSCO: Lan Ha bay. Made up of hundreds of green limestone mountains jutting out of the sea with so many different, unique shapes. The only way to reach Cai Beo village is to take a boat from Ben Beo harbor in Catba town.



Exploring Floating Life in Cai Beo Fishermen’s Village
There are around 400 floating houses in Cai Beo village, all surrounded by walls of limestone mountains which naturally help to protect the village from big tides and storms. The villagers here live in cottages built on the flat forms that keep them floating above the sea. They tie flat forms together to make them stay stronger in storms, and it’s easier for villagers to move from house to house.







Almost all people in Cai Beo floating village are fishermen. They mostly make a living by sailing fishing boats against the tides to catch creatures under the waves. Sometimes the trip can take a week, and they will return with full nets of fish and seafood. However, this is a difficult and dangerous journey to support their poor life in the floating village, but they accept it nonetheless because they want to continue the culture of many generations. They are taught as children of the experience and skills required for fishing and living with the sea. Young men will follow the elders to the sea and the women stay home to cook and take care of the fish farms.







In general the lives of the people living in floating villages still have many restrictions and lack things like education, medical, electrical or basic necessities as they are all on the mainland. The only way to get there is by taking a boat, but that is quite inconvenient and expensive. Hopefully in the future the government will make some policies to help them have a better life.

Activities to do When Visiting Cai Beo Floating Village

Tourists can hire a boat or kayak to Cai Beo floating village. Once there, you can visit fish farms, listen the villagers talk about and experiences taking care of fish, buy some fresh seafood, and peruse handmade souvenirs made from materials collected from the sea.
Recently, some floating houses have opened homestays so tourists can stay overnight and experience the floating life sure to make unforgettable memories.






Before we end this journey, I want to thank you for joining me for a glimpse into life at sea in northern Vietnam. Hopefully now you understand more about the beauty and hospitality of the people living in Cai Beo village, and maybe you’re even inspired to pay them a visit one day.


Ì you guy have plan to come visit Cai Beo floating village or more informations about it just feel free to ask me i'm so glad to share with you all experences i know honortly.

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