On top of Mangabon's distintive White Peak!

Countryside road trips have become one of my favorite recreations since they always bring me to new beautiful destinations, stunning hidden gems, and sometimes to unexpected heights! - just like my road trip going to the faaaaarrrr away countryside of Mangabon.

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I hadn’t heard of Manggabon ever since and didn’t have any idea that this breathtaking part of the countryside existed. (I’m not even sure I’m writing the name right, Manggabon? Mangabon? Or Mang-gabon?) It was when I went to Licos Peak that I heard from the Habal-habal driver that some of the hikers/climbers take a route going to Mulao or Lusaran River to experience the extreme hike/trek after their Licos climb. All they have to do is turn right on that “street corner” a few meters away from Licos Peak’s drop-off area.


That caught my interest and programmed my mind to journey to that street corner one of these days. But little did I know, sooner than I expected, I’d be able to have my unforgettable road trip here which led me to the discovery of Manggabon White Peak, a view of a paradise that made my knees tremble and took my breath away!




Discovering Mangabon

My mind and eyes were fully alert like a hawk scanning for prey at every turn and blind curve I passed by as soon as we entered the "street corner". Having nowhere to go and no exact destinations where to head to, made this trip more thrilling and exciting. Everything was spontaneous, all I had to do was to feed my hungry eyes and soul for eveeery beautiful view of the mountains I passed by.



Until on one surprising turn, I saw a group of huge white rocks juttingg out on top of the mountains. It is a peak of gleaming white rocks!



We hit the brake engine, parked beside the road, and without hesitation climbed the mountain, of course, I asked the local on the street first If I could climb there and if there was a cheat way to reach that peak! And Yes there was!


Shortcut going to the top!

The Mangabon White Peak!

Mighty, sharp, proud, and white rocks commanding attention were the descriptions of the peak that instantly met my eyes when I reached the top. But as soon as I stepped on it, I had this unexplainable overwhelming feeling inside surpassing what my eyes saw.



Unlike other mountains surrounding the place which are covered by lush green vegetation, Mangabon Peak stood distinctly with its sharp, edgy, and radiant white rocks. It’s the only white among the sea of greenery! And that was my first time encountering that kind of peak in my province.



The rocks are quite sharp, edgy, and rough so I cautiously made my way on top. I could feel the sharpness and roughness of it but I was more overwhelmed of the fulfillment and awe at the breathtaking scene before my eyes.




They looked and felt like sharp canyons ready to be launched to any would-be intruders. Hehe. In some sense, they also look like thorns covering and safeguarding the Peak but magnificently it adorned the peak like a crown on top of the queen’s head. I honestly was stunned at how a thing could look beautifully deadly.




Once you get to the top you will not know which of the rocks you will want to step on because all of the rocks just offer a promising spot for you to have a beautiful panoramic view of the rolling mountains. I myself get hyped about which rocks to stand on!


The heights!

If you are afraid of heights, then this jagged peak is not for you! Sitting on the tallest rocks would surely make your knees tremble! I was sitting pretty but God, my knees were trembling! I could even feel it now while writing! Haha!


As you can see the edge of the peak is 90 degrees drop! One wrong move may lead you to death earlier than you expected. Well. Lucky enough if you could survive by its depth. Looking at the pictures, I honestly am wondering where did I get the strength to sit on the edge. But trust me the danger it possesses makes everything rewarding.


Plus the peak just offered the best and spectacular spot for someone to gaze and fill his eyes with these beautiful creations of God. Sitting on top gives you both that majestic feeling of the mountain that stood proudly and a humbling feeling of how small and tiny I am in this grand scheme of nature.



And just like the hawk landing on top of the mountain, with a keen eye, I was able to take advantage to savor the stunning panorama below me – the mountains, the farms, the tiny houses, and the winding road. So where would my next road trip be?





📚She is a public school Teacher on weekdays, a Jill of all trades on weekends, outdoorsy on holidays, a mother, and a blogger in between. 😉

🍃She's in love with nature and the simple life of the countryside. As a lifelong learner, as she is, she is attracted to learning opportunities and growth.

❤️Join her as she shares life's simple joy and its beauty through traveling, exploring nature, the wonders of creating things through some of her DIY, the good things about countryside life, a glimpse of being a Public School Teacher, and more!

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