Caurasan's Dead End Paradise!

I used to believe that dead-ends are a good place to turn around (a necessary turn), but not the one we reached and discovered during our road trip in the corners of Carmen. And instead of a detour, we found ourselves succumbing to this dead-end's enchanted embrace.

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While drivers and most people on the road call it zero visibility, I call it, ethereal beauty of the extremely light and beautiful mountain tops of Caurasan covered with soft white clouds! So in today's blog, I'm bringing you with me, to our ethereal experience on one of our road trip adventures as we reached the dead ends of Caurasan and yet found ourselves walking among the cold white clouds.

It was an unusual and enchanting experience!


Let's go. Taraaaa!

Originally, the plan for this road trip was to explore and hike a part of the mountain of Caurasan called Into Heights. This beautiful faraway nature is situated on top which offers the best 360-degree view of the mountain rolls of Carmen which appeared in different shades of green and blue because of its depth and distance. Hence we always want to discover the hidden beauties of the countryside, hubby and I decided to hit the road and go to this beautiful destination.


The ride.

The weather was lovely and bright as we started ascending the mountains of Carmen. I was very relaxed on the first part of the road we passed coz it was already very familiar to us for we had our road trips here a lot of times. It was when we crossed the street going to Caurasan that I started to be more observant and keen on the road. This was our first time entering this remote area of the town, so I want to remember everything.


We traveled winding roads and silent streets filled with lush vegetation not minding the time. As we keep on moving, I noticed that we gradually lost our mobile phone's data connection making it hard to find the location on Google Maps. But I love it, and I believe that this is part of the adventure. We knew we were nearing our destination when we had a partial view of the beautiful hills, mountains, and the sea below. Yay, we're near!



The adventure begins.

I think we enjoyed our ride so much that we didn't notice that the road we were following was no longer a cemented two-way road, instead, it was a small, rough, narrow road going to far-flung villages that we don't know. The trees are getting taller and bigger and the plants getting greener while the atmosphere started to get cold.



As we continued driving we could see mist surrounding the area. Woooow! I was wowed when I saw it, as a countryside girl living in a lowland area that is just an hour away from the beach, it is seldom that we experience mist and fog like this in our place. I couldn't even recall we had one. Excitement rushed into my veins as we enter this misty mini forest.



But Where Is Into Heights?

We saw no one on the roads. The whole place was silent. Only the trees peacefully watching us (if only they have eyes). Thankfully we saw one local working on his garden beside the road (now I regret I didn't take a photo of him. ah!). We asked for directions on where is the way going to "Into Heights" to which he answered politely. He pointed in a certain direction, but we could only see a blurry image because of the fog. He might have read our curious minds and told us that it just rained before we came. And every after it rained this part of Caurasan always gets covered with thick white clouds that seem to come down from the sky, making the whole place filled with white foamy and chilly fog.


The local told us that it's impossible for us to reach Into Heights as the Mountain gets' slippery, while he added that we might get there barefoot but the beauty of this paradise is no longer visible to our eyes. So it's a Dead-end.

Long silence.

The long ride has come to an end BUT not for nothing! Disappointed I was not, rather I was excited and thrilled for this new experience! This would be my first time walking among this blanket of clouds! We don't have this in the part of my countryside! Oh my! This is just an unbelievably wonderful thing to do, to walk and feel the embrace of this ethereal body. However the local added, that there is "Tambayan ni Lolo" around that we could rest for a while and enjoy this whole feeling of walking among clouds.


Tambayan ni Lolo. (Grandpa's standby area)

Tambayan ni Lolo is a small resting area on the mountain tops of Caurasan where travelers can rest and relax on their long road trip going to this beautiful spot of nature. This Tambayan depicts the simplest life of the locals living in this area. It is only composed of a few hammocks hanging on the trees and a small bench where one could sit and enjoy watching the beautiful creation of God which is the lush mountains of Carmen.


Can you imagine what would the view look like behind those thick fog? Mhmmm.



And though, we weren't able to witness the magnificent view of the mountains in broad daylight but nature was still kind to us to let us experience one-of-a-kind beauty, its clouds, and mountains in one!


Look at how enchanted the trees look while covered with fog!


So I made the best time out of it. I filled my inner being as I indulge myself in this new paradise found. I was smiling while walking and I could never forget this rare opportunity to stroll in nature covered with clouds.



That's it for our ethereal adventure in the paradise we found at Caurasan's dead-end. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you are all safe and well always.

Don't forget to smile often!😍🤗


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