Stuffed Mussels: The Delicious Snack-food of Istanbul, Turkey

When walking the twisted streets of old Istanbul, you'll find a food vendor working every busy intersection. From roasted chestnuts to warm, sesame-coated simit, something is cooking on just about every corner. And then there's something you might not expect to see: stuffed mussels, the delicious snack-food of Istanbul, Turkey.

One of the best choices I made while visiting Turkey was to sign on for The Taste of Two Continents food tour. It's an all-day excursion starting in Old Istanbul and ending on the Anatolian shore of Asia. Sampling from over ten different restaurants, market vendors, and street food carts, the eating never stops. But one of our last stops of the day was to a Karakoy institution: Midyeci Yasin.

Named one of the best stuffed mussels vendors by Istanbul On Food, this open-air, glass-framed stall allows the pungent scent of spices and garlic to escape, beckoning to hungry passersby.

Considered as both a snack or as a main course, it's little wonder that Turks find these bivalve beauties such an indulgence. First boiled, the fresh, local mussels are then stuffed with rice while still in their shells. Common seasonings used in the rice include black pepper, onions, and allspice. Finally, the amply stuffed mussels are steamed until the rice is fully cooked.

Available with a variety of diverse stuffings, the mussels are then served in a paper tray, piping hot. While there is a small seating area at this particular location in Karakoy, many people stand on the sidewalk and enjoy their treat over conversation.

To eat them, squeeze lemon over your selection, pick up the shell, and shovel the entire contents into your mouth. No utensils are required! The shells are a natural cooking vessel, plate, and serving spoon all in one!

Allspice flavored mussels.  Curry flavored mussels.  Spicy sauce mussels.  I'm not sure how many different flavors Midyeci Yasin offers, but there's sure to be something appealing to any palate here.  The freshly squeezed lemon, however, adds a zesty, fresh, citrusy taste to whatever variety you try.

Living on the Atlantic coastline, I am no stranger to shellfish, and freshness is a must. These stuffed mussels were incredibly fresh, savory, and would go perfectly with an ice-cold Efes beer or a crisp white wine. My only regret was not stopping by the shop again before departing for France to enjoy another serving of these refreshing shellfish with rice.

When in Istanbul, or probably anywhere on the Anatolian coastline, be sure to try stuffed mussels, the delicious snack-food of Istanbul, Turkey!

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