The most beautiful village in Loures (Salemas)🌏🍍 (En-Es)πŸ§­πŸŒ„

Hello traveling friends! Today I bring a special post and it is that for the first time I visit the village of Salemas and with this experience I chose that so far it is my favorite village in Loures, and that is that Salemas has a little bit of everything, you can do everything from trails to trying the food of them which is known for its seafood restaurant! I wanted to show you the most beautiful things you can visit. If you want to be in Lisbon, you could take a getaway to interact in a different, picturesque and of course natural environment! The special touch is its river which runs through the entire small village!πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ„πŸ‚πŸ¦Š

Hola amigos viajeros! hoy traigo un post especial y es que por primera vez visito la aldea de Salemas y con esta experiencia escogi que hasta ahora es mi aldea favorita de Loures, y es que Salemas tiene de todo un poco, puedes hacer desde senderos hasta probar la comida de ellos la cual es conocida por su marisqueria! yo quise mostrarte las cosas mas bonitas que puedes visitar si deseas estar en Lisboa podrias darte una escapada para interactuar en un ambiente diferente, pintoresco y por supuesto natural! el toque especial es su rio el cual recorre toda la pequeΓ±a aldea!πŸŒ„πŸ§­πŸŒπŸ

Where do we find Salemas?🧭🌍/Donde encontramos Salemas¿?🍍🚩

From now on I'm telling you there are 2 Salemas in Portugal so as not to confuse you, one is Salema without the S, this one here does have an S and belongs to the parish of Loures while the other is much further to the north and is known for its beaches! I'll tell you here the coordinates so you don't get lost: (38.880701, -9.194243), clearly if you have the resources you can visit both xD, here my tour began in this small structure called "Lavadouros de Salemas" which is a space where people came to wash your clothes taking advantage of the river! I think many villages had a public laundry! You have space to leave your car and of course prepare for the 12km walk! Don't you come prepared? Don't worry you find where to buy things!πŸŒ»πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸŒ
Desde ya te digo hay 2 Salemas en Portugal para no confundirte uno es Salema sin la S, esta de aqui si tiene S y pertenece a la freguesia de Loures mientras la otra es mucho mas para el norte y es conocida por sus playas! te digo aqui las coordenadas para no perderte: (38.880701, -9.194243), claramente si tienes recursos puedes visitar las dos xD, aqui comenzo mi recorrido en esta pequeΓ±a estructura llamada "Lavadouros de Salemas" el cual es un espacio donde las personas venian a lavar sus ropas aprovechando el rio! creo que muchas aldeas tenian un lavadero publico! tienes espacio donde dejar tu carro y claro preparate para la caminada de 12km! no vienes preparado? tranquilo consigues donde comprar cosas!πŸ‚πŸŒ»πŸ

Public laundry🧭🌍/Lavadero público🍍🚩

The first thing we notice is this beautiful closed structure that is actually always open to the public and it is the Salemas public laundry which served as a space for women to socialize and wash their clothes, however it was not only used to wash clothes. It also had other uses in agriculture! Normally it is not recommended to drink the water that comes out of them because the river is normally contaminated. This one was built in 1950, it is not very old but it is part of the culture of the village!πŸŒπŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸ§­
Lo primero que notamos es esta bonita estructura cerrada que en realidad esta siempre abierta para todo el publico y se trata del lavadero publico de Salemas el cual servia como espacio para las mujeres socializar y lavar sus ropas sin embargo no solo era usado para lavar la ropa tenia tambien otros usos en la agricultura! normalmente no se recomienda beber el agua que sale de ellos pues el rio normalmente esta contaminado, este fue construido en 1950 no es muy antiguo pero forma parte de la cultura de la aldea!πŸš©πŸ―πŸš™

The path next to the river 2km🧭🌍/El sendero al lado del rio 2km🍍🚩


The walk from where we left the car to the center of Salemas can be done directly along the road, but why did we miss this trail? I don't think so... We are going to take the path on the left which borders the river and will take you to the center of Salemas, the parish of Loures is huge and has many villages, this is for me the most natural and the most far from civilization so it will give you a brutal experience because in addition to the river you will follow some hills of more than 150 meters!πŸ‘€πŸ§­πŸŒ

La caminata desde donde dejamos el carro hasta el centro de Salemas puede hacerse directamente por la carretera pero vaya perdernos de este sendero? no lo creo... Vamos a tomar el camino de la izquierda el cual bordea el rio y que te llevara hasta el centro de Salemas, la freguesia de Loures es inmesa y tiene muchas aldeas, esta es para mi la mas natural y la mas alejada de la civilizacion por lo que te dara una experiencia brutal porque ademas del rio seguiras unas colinas de mas de 150 metros!πŸ˜²πŸš™

The passage is relaxing, calm and full of aromas of all kinds because each tree gives off a peculiar aroma. I remind you that you will walk through several fields where they plant plants of all kinds for consumption, some of them aromatic! In addition, the smell of the mountains and nature stands out within a village without car noise and without tourists to disturb! so if you like solo hikes you can't pass this one! I don't recommend doing it on rainy days because the terrain at times is sandy and well it turns into mud that is difficult to cross!πŸŒ„πŸŒπŸ‚
El paso es relajante, tranquilo y lleno de aromas de todos tipos pues cada arbol desprende un aroma peculiar, te recuerdo que caminaras por varios terrenos donde siembran plantas de todo tipo para el consumo alguna de ellas aromaticas! ademas el olor de la montaΓ±a y la naturaleza destaca dentro de una aldea sin ruido de carros y sin turistas a molestar! asi que si te gusta las caminatas en solitario esta no puedes pasarla! no te recomiendo hacerla en dias de lluvias porque el terreno en algunos momentos es arena y bueno se vuelve un barro dificil de atravesar!πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ„πŸŒΎ

These here were used to extract water directly from a water well which was suitable for human consumption, every town in Portugal that I visited I always saw one of these! They clearly don't look so well preserved, it was probably restored and is also part of the culture of Salemas!πŸ‚πŸŒ

Estas de aqui si eran usadas para extraer agua directa de un pozo de agua la cual si era apta para el consumo humano, cada pueblo de Portugal que visite siempre vi una de estas! claramente no se ven tan bien conservadas probablemente esta fue restaurada y tambien forma parte de la cultura de Salemas!πŸŒŠπŸŒ„

very nice and rustic housesπŸŒŠπŸš™πŸ

The houses in Salemas are all beautiful, they have that old touch and those that are restored the municipal chamber forces the residents not to touch the faΓ§ade much to leave them with that air of being original! many of these built in the 18th century however there are records of civilizations in Salema dating back to the iron age when they lived in caves!πŸ‘€πŸ§­πŸŒ

las casas de salemas todas son bonitas, tiene ese toque antiguo y las que estan restauradas la camara municipal obliga a los moradores a no tocar mucho la fachada para dejarlas con ese aire de ser originales! muchas de estas construidas en el siglo XVIII sin embargo hay registros de civilizaciones en Salema que datan desde la era de hierro cuando vivian en cuevas!πŸ˜²πŸš™

Once again on the street🧭🌍/Otra vez a la calle🍍🚩

And we return to the street after completing the path along the river! Although the river continues, we detour and take the road along the street for two reasons: 1) we want to continue seeing the landscape along with the beautiful houses and avoid the undergrowth because the road here becomes very dangerous! 2) we are safer because after 4km there is no longer a marked trail and you don't want to get lost!πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸŒπŸ
Y volvemos a la calle luego de culminar con el sendero a lo largo del rio! apesar que el rio continua nosotros nos desviamos y tomaremos el camino por la calle por dos razones: 1) queremos continuar viendo el paisaje junto con las casas bonitas y evitar la maleza porque el camino aqui se torna muy peligroso! 2) estamos mas seguros porque a partir de 4km ya no hay sendero seΓ±alizado y no querras perderte!πŸ‚πŸŒπŸŒ„

Arrival at Salemas Bridge🧭🌍/Llegada al puente de Salemas🍍🚩

At this point we have already walked about 10km and there is only one and a half kilometers left to finish our adventure and reach the center of Salemas... We are close friends!!!🌍🍍

A este punto ya caminamos como 10km y falta unicamente un kilometro y medio para acabar nuestra aventura y llegar al centro de Salemas... Estamos cercas amigos!!!πŸš™πŸŒ„

The most beautiful city🧭🌍/La ciudad mas bonita🍍🚩

The oldest recorded dates in the village of Salemas date back to the mid-18th century, except for that I found nothing and from there there are several structures created in the early nineties such as some houses, parks and other things, the well that extracted water for The inhabitants date back to a little before the 18th century, which leads me to think that there were already people here? Very little is known on the internet about the village so it is quite a mystery!🌏🏯🏰
Las fechas registradas mas antiguas en la aldea de Salemas datan del mediados del siglo XVIII menos de eso no encontre nada y a partir de alli hay varias estructuras creadas en principio de los noventas como algunas casas, parques y otras cosas el pozo que extraia el agua para los habitantes data un poco antes del siglo 18 lo que me lleva a pensar sera que ya habian personas por aqui? se sabe muy poco en internet sobre la aldea asi que es todo un misterio!🧭🚩

What did you think of Salemas?🧭🌍/Que te parecio Salemas?🍍🚩

My adventure ends here! what a piece of trail today! In total I walked more than 18km which is equivalent to more than 5 hours of travel and I saw different landscapes, colors, designs! And Salemas is a small destination that awaits you on your vacation!πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸ‚πŸ€―

Aqui termina mi aventura! vaya pedazo de sendero el de hoy! en total camine mas de 18km lo que equivale a mas de 5 horas de viaje y vi diferentes paisajes, colores, diseños! y es que Salemas es un pequeño destino que te espera en tus vacaciones!🧭🚩


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