I visited a convent with my family🏦🚩🧭 (En-Es)

Hello fellow travelers! Today is a very special day. I went with my family to the Mafra area to visit several places of tourist interest. This area is known for having national reserves and unique landscapes in the country. Here are the most visited places by tourists such as the "Palacio da Pena". In particular, I will visit a 16th century convent, a viewpoint "Alto da Vela" and the "Cerco" square. This last park is quite pretty and has a Romanesque influence! We also stopped at a small restaurant to have a breakfast with Latin influences. Don't miss my experience.🚩🏰

Hola amigos viajeros! hoy es un dia muy especial sali con mi familia a la zona de Mafra para visitar varios lugares de interes turistico, esta zona es conocida por tener unas reservas nacionales y paisajes unicos del pais, aqui se encuentran los lugares mas visitados por turistas como el "Palacio da Pena", yo en particular visitare un convento del siglo XVI, un mirador "alto da vela" y la plazoleta "cerco", este ultimo parque bastante lindo y con influencia romanica!, tambien hicimos una parada a un pequeno restaurante para tomar un desayuno con influencias latinas, no te pierdas mi experiencia.🚙😁

Five star breakfast🏰🚩 /Desayuno cinco estrellas🥨🥐

You don't know where to eat a good breakfast? Well I recommend the Lutence bakery, here you have a great variety of dishes and desserts, it is in the Oerias area, less than 20 minutes by car from Mafra and five minutes from the center of Lisbon, the prices are not the cheapest since a breakfast for three people at thirty euros is expensive compared to what you pay elsewhere but it is worth it! If you are Venezuelan you will recognize this dish, my family has Venezuelan influence since they are all migrants and we grew up eating these dishes so... Enjoy the "tequenos".🚩🏰
No sabes donde comer un buen desayuno? bueno yo te recomiendo la panaderia lutence, aqui tienes una gran variedad de platos y postres, esta en la zona de Oerias a menos de 20min en carro de Mafra y cinco minutos del centro de la Lisboa, los precios no son de lo mas baratos ya que un desayuno para tres personas en treinta euros es caro para lo que pagas en otro lugar pero merece la pena! si eres Venezolano reconoceras este plato mi familia tiene influencia Venezolana pues son migrantes todos y crecimos comiendo estos platos asi que... Disfruta los "tequenos".🚙⛰️

"Alto da Vela" viewpoint🏰⛰️/Mirador "alto da vela"🚵🏻‍♀️📸

Our first stop is the "Alto da Vela" viewpoint, it is worth it, the view of the Mafra valley is interesting and quite pretty, it is a picnic area where you can relax with your family and watch the sunset, in summer these places are nice, they are not places with hundreds of years of history but thanks to them we can get to know the landscape that Mafra has to offer us, you have parking and of course it is free! You have nothing to lose by trying.📸🚵🏻‍♀️🚩
Nuestra primera parada es le mirador "Alto da vela" merece la pena, la vista al valle de Mafra es interesante y bastante bonita, es una zona de picnic la cual puedes relajarte con tu familia y mirar la puesta de sol, en verano son agradable estos lugares, no son lugares con cientos de anos de historia pero gracias a ellos podemos conocer el paisaje que Mafra tiene para ofrecernos, tienes para estacionar y claro es gratis! no pierdes nada con intentarlo.🚙🧭

In the area where you park your car to go to the Mafra convent, there is this beautiful square with a monument that pays homage to the soldiers who fell in the Great War! I thought it was right to place it here! Parking in this area is free.🚵🏻‍♀️🚩

En la zona donde estacionas el carro para ir al convento de Mafra esta esta hermosa plaza con un monumento que hace homenaje a los soldados caidos en la gran guerra! me parecio correcto colocarlo aqui! en esta zona el parking es gratis.🏦🚙

The "Do Cerco" square🏰⛰️/Plazoleta el "Do Cerco"🚵🏻‍♀️📸

My next visit is this large and beautiful garden, just a few minutes walk from the viewing point! I mean, you could leave your car there and come here! Next to the garden is the convent, so you can do everything at the same time. The exact date of construction of the garden is unknown, but it is believed to have been in 1770, at the same time as the convent was built. It has a picnic area and bathrooms, so it is ideal for spending a day.🚩🚵🏻‍♀️🧭
Mi proxima visita es este gran y hermoso jardin a pocos minutos caminando desde el mirador! osea podrias dejar tu carro alla y venir hasta aqui! al lado del jardin esta el convento por tanto puedes hacer todo al mismo tiempo, sobre el jardin no se sabe la fecha exacta de su construccion pero se cree que fue en el 1770 a la misma epoca de cuando se construye el convento. Tiene area de picnic y banos por tanto ideal para pasar un dia.⛰️🏰🚩

Water collecting fountain⛲🚩

I think this is the main attraction of the square, a water fountain that works with a wooden rotating mechanism, possibly from the 18th century, but preserved in very good condition. Between the 16th and 17th centuries this garden was frequented by many important people. Next to the square is the Mafra Palace, which I will leave for another post. These people came to the park to walk around and use it for leisure! It has an area of ​​medicinal plants used by King Joao V, a main fountain, and several Roman statues.🧭📸

Creo que esta es la principal atraccion de la plaza una fuente de agua que funciona con un mecanismo giratorio de madera, posiblemente del siglo XVIII se conserva en muy buenas condiciones, entre los siglos XVI y XVII este jardin fue concurrido por mucha gente importante, al lado de la plaza esta el palacio de Mafra el cual dejare para otro post, esas personas venian al parque a pasear y usarlo de lazer! tiene un area de plantas medicinales usadas por el rey Joao V, una fuente principal, y varias estatuas romanas.⛲📸🏰

Visit to the convent🏰⛰️/Visita al convento🚵🏻‍♀️📸

King Joao V was the one who gave the order to build this basilica and which would be annexed to the Mafra Palace, the date of construction was from 1707 and it is currently a world heritage site, when its construction happened an architectural movement in Portugal called (Joanino Baroque) arose, this basilica was important to highlight the power of the monarchy in conjunction with the Catholic Church, we know that in Europe Catholicism always predominated in the vast majority of monarchies!📸🚩
El rey Joao V fue quien dio la orden de construir esta basilica y la cual se anexaria al palacio de Mafra, la fecha de construccion fue a partir de 1707 y actualmente es patrimonio mundial, cuando su construccion sucede se alza un movimiento en Portugal Arquitectonico llamado (barroco joanino), era importante esta basilica para resaltar el poder de la monarquia en conjunto con la iglesia Catolica, sabemos que en europa el catolicismo siempre predomino en la gran mayoria de monarquias! 🚵🏻‍♀️🧭


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