I did a Roman route👩🏻‍🦯🌎 / Hice una ruta Romana🧭🚩(En-Es)

What a fun and interesting walk I had today, friends! I was searching on the internet for some place I didn't know in the area to do a new trail and I came across something quite interesting... It turns out that in the surroundings of the city of Palmela there is a 12km walk which was built by the Romans a few years before the Christian era and which was still developed in 200 AD, meaning we can delight in a very historic trail and enjoy the most beautiful landscapes of Palmela. After reading about this adventure I decided to complete it and here is the result.🌎👩🏻‍🦯🏕️

Vaya caminata tan divertida e interesante hice el dia de hoy amigos! estuve buscando en internet algun lugar que no conocia por la zona para realizar un nuevo sendero y me tope con algo bastante interesante... Resulta ser que en los alrededores de la ciudad de Palmela existe una caminata de 12km la cual fue construida por los Romanos pocos anos antes de la era cristiana y la cual aun fue desenvolvida en el 200 despues de Cristo, osea podremos deleitarnos con un sendero demasiado historico y disfrutar de los paisajes mas bonitos de Palmela, al leer sobre esta aventura decidi completar y aqui tienes el resultado.🧭🚵🏻‍♀️

Roman route🌎🚩 /Ruta romana⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️

First of all, the trail starts in the centre of the city and is called "encostas de palmela e a suas terras" (palmela's coasts and its lands). It's my first time doing it so I have high expectations. We'll go up and down a maximum of 230 metres, so the trail is of medium difficulty. I don't recommend it on a rainy day because the road is sandy and it can get very difficult. It's better to go in summer or spring! My experience here tells you that it's better to wear hiking boots and walking sticks! You'll pass through a small village where you can buy supplies! And here's a map with the route we'll take to complete the Roman walk.👩🏻‍🦯🌎🚩
Primero que nada el sendero comienza en el centro de la ciudad y lleva como nombre: "encostas de palmela e a suas terras", es primera vez que lo hago por tanto tengo grandes expectativas, vamos a descender y subir un maximo de 230 metros por tanto el sendero tiene un nivel de exigencia medio, no lo recomiendo en dia lluvioso porque la calzada es arena y esto se pone en pesimas condiciones, mejor altura verano, primavera! mi experiencia aqui te dice que es mejor botas y bastones de excursion! pasaras por una pequena aldea donde podras comprar proviciones! y bueno te dejo el mapa con la ruta que haremos para completar la caminata romana.🌻📸🚙

First experience among the streets of Palmela, I don't think I've ever uploaded material of these streets even though it's not my first time here. I remember that one day I made a post about the castle. I recommend it to you since it tells the story of the city that is hundreds of years old and I would say thousands of years old. There were already human settlements in prehistoric times! However, what we see most is the strong influence of the Moors here. We see water fountains with names of important people from between the 6th and 10th centuries, which was the period in which the Arabs lived in Palmela. We still see tiles and architecture with that influence.🌻🚩🌎
Primera experiencia entre las calles de palmela creo que nunca subi material de estas calles apesar que no es mi primera vez por aca, recuerdo que un dia hice un post del castillo te lo recomiendo ya que planteo la historia de la ciudad que tiene cientos de anos y diria que miles de ser poblada, ya en la prehistoria ya existian acentamientos humanos! sin embargo lo que mas vemos es la alta influencia de los Moros por aca, vemos unas fuentes de agua con nombres de personas importantes de entre el siglo VI al X que fue el periodo que los arabes vivieron en Palmela. Aun vemos azulejos y arquitectura con esa influencia.👩🏻‍🦯⛰️🧭🚵🏻‍♀️

Walk to the Roman road🌎🚩 /Caminata hacia la carretera romana⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️

When we enter the city we must activate the GPS and place "Roman road" from this point we leave the official path and go to an alternative unmarked path, this will be a descent where we will find another sign called "g93" at that point we will find the hidden path to start walking along the Roman road. It all looks complex but it is easy if you use GMAPS.⛰️🌎🚩
Cuando entramos en la ciudad debemos activar el gps y colocar "calzada romana" desde este punto abandonamos el sendero oficial y pasamos a un camino alternativo no senalizado, esto sera una bajada donde localizaremos otro letrero llamado "g93" en ese punto conseguiremos el camino oculto para comenzar a caminar por la carretera romana se ve todo complejo pero es facil si usas GMAPS🚙📸🏕️

It all starts at this point, what you see up there is the castle that in the Romanesque era was a fortification, where the center of the city was located, that is, at the highest point of Palmela the city was built there to protect itself from enemy invasions, so it was common that around the fortress several stone paths were made that would lead to the center of the city, right now I am walking to begin one of those paths from the beginning until I go up to the fortress.🚩🌎⛰️
Todo comienza en este punto, eso que ves alla arriba es el castillo que en la era romanica era una fortificacion, donde se ubicaba el centro de la ciudad osea en el punto mas alto de Palmela fue construida alli la ciudad para protegerse de invasiones enemigas, por lo que fue comun que alrededor de la fortaleza se hicieran varios caminos de piedras que llevarian al centro de la ciudad, yo en este momento estoy caminando para comenzar uno de esos caminos desde el principio hasta subir a la fortaleza.👩🏻‍🦯🧭

Why did the Romans use this route?🌎🚩 /Porque los Romanos usaban esta ruta?⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️

A view of the Roman Empire🧭🚩

Palmela was important for being close to the Atlantic, the Tagus River and the centre of Lisbon, which was also occupied by the Romans at the time. These roads were important because this was where processed fish was transported and taken to other Roman towns or even to the rest of Hispania. It is important to be able to walk through a place that has been preserved for hundreds of years.🧭📸

Palmela fui importante por estar cerca del atlantico el rio Tejo y el centro de Lisboa que tambien era ocupado por los Romanos en la epoca, estas carreteras eran importantes porque de aqui era que se circulaba el pescado procesado y del cual se llevaba para otras villas romanas o inclusive se pasaban para el resto de hispania, importante poder caminar por un lugar que se conserva con cientos de anos.📸

Nature🌎🚩 /Naturaleza⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️

As I walked through the forest and along the sandy paths, I recorded all the biodiversity that Palmela offers, from a great variety of wild mushrooms and fruits to having the privilege of photographing salamanders that are difficult to see during the day, another motivation to take the walk.🌷🌻
Mientras caminaba entre el bosque y los caminos de arena fui registrando toda la biodiversidad que Palmela ofrece, desde una gran variedad de hongos y frutas salvajes hasta tuve el privilegio de fotografiar salamandra son dificiles de ver en el dia, otra motivacion mas para hacer la caminata.🚵🏻‍♀️🌎

Getting to the road🌎🚩 /Llegando a la carretera⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️

And after completing more than 10km we arrived at the road which in my opinion is in good condition despite some stretches of loose stone. It is undoubtedly due to Roman engineering that these roads are preserved to this day! And now that we are at the base of the mountain we are going to climb the 200 meters along the road!🌻🧭👩🏻‍🦯
Y luego de completar mas de 10km llegamos a la carretera la cual en mi opinion esta en buen estado apesar de algunos trayectos estar la piedra suelta, sin duda por la ingenieria romana es que estos caminos se conservan hasta el dia de hoy! y bueno ahora que estamos en la base de la montana vamos a subir los 200 metros por la calzada!⛰️🚩

The Roman roads were very durable because of the way they were built, it was a three-stage process, these ones connected Palmela with Setubal in the south of the region, that area was a port, many of the roads extended hundreds of kilometers to the north, including several that went directly to Spain! That's how important these roads are and it's good that I managed to complete the walk.🧭🌻
Las carreteras Romanas eran muy resistentes por la forma en como eran construidas era un proceso de tres etapas, estas de aqui comunicaban Palmela con Setubal al sur de la region esa zona era portuaria, muchas de las carreteras se extendian hasta cientos de kilometros hacia el norte inclusive varias iban directo a Espana! asi de importante es estas calzadas y que bueno que logre completar la caminata.🚵🏻‍♀️🧭


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