Work metting


A work meeting is an activity that is carried out once a year after a change of management. Work meetings are carried out by the trial method, Working meetings are held using the trial method, in which the session will be opened by interim presidium 1 and accompanied by provisional praesidium 2 and provisional presidium 3.


After discussing the rules of the provisional presidium, the presidium will remain through the voting method to continue the trial. Then the presidium while giving the hammer of the assembly to the Presidium remains elected, this is done as a symbol of the fact that the council is taken over by the permanent presidium.


After the presidium continues to take over, the presidium session will continue to enter directly into the main discussion, namely the work program to be discussed. After the work program has been approved by the forum participating in the session, the presidium will still validate the work program that has been approved.


After the presidium has endorsed all work programs approved by the forum, the presidium will still return the court hammer to the provisional presidium.

As a symbol that the congregation was taken over again by the provisional presidium. Then the provisional presidum will continue the trial and close the session.

That is all and thank you.

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