Similan Islands: A Paradise on Earth

Hello everyone

It was a day my friend and I had been eagerly anticipating for several months – our trip to the Similan Islands. We had tried to plan it several times before, but our schedules never seemed to align. Finally, we found ourselves with the same free day, and we quickly booked our tickets.

In Phuket, there are many small tourist counters that sell travel packages for various tourist attractions. We decided to book our tickets online, which was very convenient as we didn't have to waste time traveling to buy the tickets. The ticket price for going to the Similan Islands was 1899 baht ($55.25) for Thai nationals, but for foreign tourists, the ticket price was around $72.74, Including service to pick up tourists from the hotel or home to send them to the pier. to the entrance fees and insurance coverage.

The next morning, we were up early and ready to go. At around 6:20 a.m., a van arrived at my house to pick me up. There were already six foreign tourists inside the van, and we picked up two more tourists, including my friend, before we finally reached the boat dock in Phang Nga province around 8:30 a.m.

Upon our arrival at the dock, we had to go through a registration process where our names were checked and we were given a wristband as a symbol so that we wouldn't get lost in the crowd. The staff also handed out a large woven bag that contained mats, towels, and a snorkeling mask.

After the registration, we were taken to a nearby restaurant for breakfast, which was included in our tour package. The restaurant was crowded with tourists, and we had to wait in line for a while. However, the food was worth the wait, and we enjoyed a hearty breakfast of eggs, toast, and coffee.

At 9 am, the staff called out the tourists with wristbands of each color to explain the rules and regulations of the island. We listened intently as they gave us instructions on how to protect the environment and preserve the beauty of the island.

After the briefing, we made our way to the speed boat that would take us to the Similan Islands. Our boat stood out from the rest because it was painted in bright pink. We easily spotted it from a distance, and we were grateful for the unique color, which made it easier to identify our boat in the sea.

As we got on the boat, we were given life jackets and told to hold on tight. We could feel the boat moving as it picked up speed, and we were soon gliding over the waves towards the islands. We could see the islands getting closer, and we were amazed by the breathtaking views around us.

The boat ride took about an hour and twenty minutes, and during that time, we enjoyed the scenery and the fresh sea breeze. The water was so clear that we could see the fish swimming below us. It was a truly beautiful sight, and we felt grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

Excitement filled the air as the speedboat approached Similan Island. The turquoise water and white sand beaches were even more stunning than we had imagined. As the boat anchored, the staff called out the wristband colors for each group to disembark. Our group, with the pink wristbands, hopped onto the shore with anticipation.

The staff greeted us with a smile and informed us about the island. They recommended that we head up to the viewpoint first, as it was the highlight of the Similan Islands. The viewpoint provided a panoramic view of the surrounding islands, and we wouldn't want to miss it. We were allotted an hour to explore, but we had to keep in mind that we had to come down in time for the boat to leave.

Excited by the prospect of seeing the stunning view, we began our ascent. The climb was not too difficult, but the trail was steep and rocky. As we made our way up, we were surrounded by lush greenery and an abundance of wildlife. We saw monkeys, squirrels, and various tropical birds.

As we continued our walk up to the viewpoint, we encountered some challenging parts of the path. In addition to the steep slope, there were a few places where we had to dive into small holes and pop up on the other side. Despite the obstacles, my friend and I had a blast and didn't feel tired at all. The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking, making the climb worth every effort. We could see the crystal-clear waters of the ocean and the lush greenery of the surrounding islands.

As we approached the summit, the view opened up, and we were in awe of the breathtaking landscape before us. The clear blue waters, the white sandy beaches, and the emerald green forests were a sight to behold. We took in the beauty and snapped numerous pictures to capture the moment.

As we reached the viewpoint, we noticed that there were many tourists already there. Everyone was trying to capture the beauty of the island through their cameras. The most beautiful photo spots were occupied, and people had to wait in line for their turn. I realized that I would have to be patient and wait for my turn to capture the perfect photo.

However, I was a little worried that I wouldn't have enough time to swim and enjoy the crystal-clear water of the island. So, I decided to take some quick pictures of the beautiful scenery and move on to the next activity.

From the top, we could see the stunning blue and dark blue shades of the sea water, which was the same color as the sky. Looking down below, the view was simply breathtaking. It was like a painting brought to life, and I couldn't resist taking some more pictures of the landscape.

After spending about 30 minutes at the viewpoint, we decided to make our way back down to the beach. It was time for us to explore the island and have some fun in the sun.

As we descended from the viewpoint, we followed the path to the right, which led us through a narrow passage that could only accommodate one person at a time. The path was surrounded by lush green vegetation on both sides, and we could hear the sounds of various birds and insects. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers, making the walk down even more enjoyable.

As we made our way down the path from the viewpoint, we could hear the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. Soon, we emerged onto a beach filled with tourists taking photos of the stunning scenery. In the distance, we could see the iconic Sailing Rock, which is the symbol of the Similan Islands. The rock seemed to rise majestically from the crystal clear waters of the sea.

Despite the crowd of tourists, we found a spot to sit and enjoy the view. Some tourists were sunbathing on the beach, while others were swimming in the cool waters. The atmosphere was relaxed and peaceful, with the sound of waves providing a soothing backdrop.

As we walked along the beach, we found a quiet corner with a perfect view of the Sailing Rock in the background. It was a bit tricky to find a spot where we could take a picture without any other tourists in the frame, but eventually, we found the perfect angle. We took turns taking photos of each other, trying different poses and angles to capture the beauty of the beach and the rock. It was a great way to remember our trip to the Similan Islands.

After taking pictures, the time was almost up for our boat to leave for Island 9, where we were going to snorkel and see fish, turtles, and corals up close. The ride from Similan Island to Island 9 was only 5 minutes, but it took about 40 minutes for the boat to park in the dive spot. I wasn't a fan of diving, so I decided to stay on the boat and wait for my friends to return from their underwater adventure.

While waiting, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery around me. The crystal-clear waters were a breathtaking shade of blue, and the gentle waves lapped against the side of the boat. I could see schools of colorful fish swimming just below the surface, and I watched in awe as a sea turtle popped its head out of the water and took a breath before diving back down.

As I sat there taking it all in, I realized how lucky I was to be experiencing such natural beauty. The Similan Islands were truly a paradise on earth, and I felt grateful to have the opportunity to visit and explore them.

After a fun snorkeling session at Island 9, our boat sailed towards Island 7, where we were promised even more fish and corals. The journey took about 15 minutes, and we finally reached the destination. Most tourists eagerly put on their snorkeling gear and jumped into the water, but as for me, I decided to stay on the boat and wait for them. I'm not a big fan of diving, but I still enjoyed the beautiful view of the island from the boat. I could see the crystal-clear water and the colorful corals from afar, and I was content just watching others explore the underwater world.

As the other passengers came back from snorkeling at Island 7, they were excitedly chatting about the beautiful marine life they saw. Some even showed off pictures they took underwater. Although I didn't get to experience it firsthand, I was happy to see how much joy and wonder it brought to others.

Around 1:20 p.m., the boat finally arrived at Island 4 where we would be having our lunch. We were handed a lunch box each, which contained rice, omelet, sour curry, stir-fried vegetables, fried chicken, seafood with a very spicy sauce, and watermelon for dessert. I couldn't wait to taste the spicy seafood, but the moment I took a bite, my mouth felt like it was on fire! The sour curry, on the other hand, was mild and refreshing, which helped cool down my palate.

After we finished our lunch, we had about an hour to explore the island. Some tourists chose to relax on the beach while others went for a walk in the forest. We decided to go for a swim in the crystal clear water. It was so refreshing and rejuvenating, and I felt like I could stay in the water forever.

As we were greeted with a breathtaking sight. The seawater was calm and crystal-clear, reflecting the blue sky like a mirror. The sand was white, clean, and so soft it felt like powder under our feet.

We spent the next hour making the most of our time on the island. We took plenty of photos of the stunning scenery, capturing every angle of the beach's natural beauty. We couldn't resist taking a dip in the refreshing water, enjoying the coolness against the warm sun on our skin.

When it's time to go back reluctantly, we climbed back onto the boat after our hour was up, wishing we could stay on this paradise island forever.

As we sailed away from the beautiful Similan Islands, I felt a pang of regret knowing that we had to leave such a breathtaking paradise but I spent the time reminiscing about the wonderful experiences we had that day. It took about 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach the pier, but the memories of our adventure will last a lifetime.

Upon reaching the pier, we were greeted by the staff who handed us towels and led us to the shower area. It was refreshing to wash off the saltwater and sand from our bodies. We changed into our clean clothes and sat down for a snack that the staff had prepared for us.

As we savored the food, we talked about the highlights of our day trip to Similan Islands. We reminisced about the crystal-clear waters, the colorful corals, and the vibrant marine life that we had witnessed while snorkeling. We also recalled the breathtaking view from the viewpoint and the moments we spent lounging on the pristine beaches.

Overall, it was a day filled with happiness and awe. We were impressed by the natural beauty of the Similan Islands and grateful for the opportunity to experience it firsthand. As we headed back home, we knew that the memories of our adventure would stay with us forever.

📷 Picturesmartphone
ModelVivo X60 5G
LocationPhang Nga, Thailand

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