Travel to attend a party!

Traveling is a great hobby and not everyone likes this hobby but there are 10% people who want traveling always to get information of other places to increase their knowledge for better experiences.

About 10 days ago, a friend of mine invited me to a party and and to go to his party, I had to travel 30 to 35 kilometers and when I reached there with my friends, there was a huge gathering there because her brother's wedding was scheduled in which he had invited me.

After reaching there, I took photos of a few things and beautiful buildings and going to share with you.

I traveled by car so it took me about 15 to 20 minutes because the road is quite good. If the roads are good then the journey becomes very quick and comfortable because only by driving on the road you can get the correct idea of ​​your speed and time.

The building that you see in these pictures, people celebrate weddings in this building. In this building, male and female couples come to attend their wedding and eat food separately.

There is a beautiful park right in front of this building in which excellent plants have been planted. People stop here to wait for their loved ones so as not to feel bored by parking yourself in a good spot.

When I reached the wedding venue, a friend of mine was standing at the entrance to receive me. I met him and after that when I went inside, there were many people sitting there and many of them were my very good friends whom I met.

I chatted a lot with my friends and after half an hour we had dinner and went back home. I felt very good after meeting my friends and after a long time I met many friends with whom I chatted a lot and inquired about their well-being.

We learn many things by socializing with our friends, so we should keep socializing with our friends.

I also like to travel but I want to go to some place where the natural scenes are so beautiful that the heart becomes happy just by looking at them. I hope to visit such a place one day and get my wish done.

Thank you for your visit.

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