The beautiful view at Fort Indra Patra Aceh

Places full of history have always been my target for enjoying free time during college breaks. Today I will go to the fort left by the Acehnese people which is more than 200 years old or 2 centuries ago, this fort was built in the 7th century AD by the son of King Harsa.

This is Indra Patra Fort which is located on Jalan Krueng Raya, Baet, Baitussalam District, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Indonesia. Upon arrival at this fort, I was immediately greeted by a square-shaped fort building measuring around 70×70 meters.

This sturdy fort was built from stone and is 4 meters high. Here there are also stone stairs to climb into the fort. When I managed to get inside, I was surprised by the beautiful view from inside this giant fort.

In my heart this is Machu Picchu which has moved to Aceh, the ruins of the rocky landscape located near the mountains make this place look like Machu Picchu, inside this fort there is very beautiful green grass, you can also see several buildings in the middle which have collapsed over time. .

While walking around the fort I also saw lots of crab claws on the fort walls, I think these were some crabs that had died due to natural factors.

In this fort area there are also buildings such as houses for shelter which are starting to collapse, slowly I started to get closer to see them more clearly.

the roof of this building has collapsed and only the walls are left, inside this building there is a well with 4 doors surrounding it, this is a stone well that still looks good to this day.

Near the entrance stairs there is also the same building, but the roof is still good and looks like a stone dome, this building still looks very sturdy, what amazed me about this fort area was because the green grass inside looked very beautiful.

Around the fort is also surrounded by beautiful green trees, this is a very spectacular defensive fort, from inside this building I can see the beauty of the fort environment outside which is truly amazing.

The walls of this fort are really made very thick, more than one meter thick, you can imagine how resistant these stone walls were from rifle and cannon fire from the past.

Beside this large fort there is another fort, but it is still classified as the Indra Patra fort too, but its size is smaller than this main fort.

It seems, today I didn't have time to explore the second fort because I had to go home so I wouldn't get stuck on the road, next time I will definitely go there to explore the beauty of the second Indra Patra Fort.

This is my travel trip to the very spectacular Indra Patra Fort, see you in the next post.

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