Take a trip to a beautiful place that not many people are aware of in the corner of the city

When the weather looks beautiful with the bright afternoon sun, it feels like a shame if I just have to stay at home, because I also have a lot of free time on this beautiful afternoon, I finally decided to take a short afternoon walk to enjoy the various natural beauties that I found on my trip to Our City this afternoon.

I started my journey this afternoon by walking along the beach, because as I said before, the beach is the only place that can make me feel happy.

The view on the beach today looks very quiet and there are only a few fishing boats parked on the beach sand, several other boats are seen floating by themselves in the sea, seeing the atmosphere of the beach this afternoon is like being on a zombie island because the beach is very quiet, this is very natural because when the day is approaching night like today, no fishermen go to the beach anymore.

After enjoying the beauty of the beach, now I continue my journey to the city reservoir which is not too far from the beach I just visited. Upon arriving at the reservoir, I decided to visit one of the most beautiful places here that has not been considered by many people as a tourist spot.

This is a small mangrove forest in the corner of the city, the scenery here looks very beautiful and natural, the green trees growing in the water are also a home for white storks that are seen in large numbers behind the leaves of these trees.

Seeing the sunset from this place also looks so amazing, I really really like being here, my mind really feels fresh in a place that is still natural and beautiful like this.

Not many people know about this place, maybe they are not aware of this place, seeing the white storks flying and the reflection of the trees in the calm green reservoir water is really like I am looking at the beauty of a fairy tale land.

Here there is also a wooden bridge that connects the mainland with a dirt ball field in the middle of the reservoir, this bridge looks very beautiful this afternoon because it has a reflection of shadows into the reservoir.

In addition, the ornamental flowers planted on the edge of the reservoir also make the scenery here even more beautiful, the combination of beautiful ornamental flowers, the calm reservoir and the green nature here really makes the scenery even more spectacular.

From a distance I could see many young people who were busy playing football on the dirt football field in the middle of the reservoir, and I could also see the activities of fishermen with their boats from here.

Every view that I see here is really very calming, I am really very calm and happy to be able to go here today, maybe if I only spent my free time this afternoon at home I would regret it very much.

After being satisfied enjoying the various amazing views on this beautiful afternoon, towards evening I decided to go back home, hopefully tomorrow I will go to that place again.

This is my travel story for going around the city this afternoon, thank you to my friends who have visited my travel post, see you in my next travel post.

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ModelSamsung Galaxy A33
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