Beautiful beach and shells that blend perfectly

It seems that I am currently addicted to traveling, imagine me now I almost every afternoon want to take a leisurely walk to beautiful places in the city where I live after work. I feel like this is something that has a positive impact on me because by traveling to beautiful places my mind becomes fresh and my mood increases to be more enthusiastic about working again the next day.

Today I returned to visit a beach located in a fishing village at the end of Lhokseumawe city, when I arrived at the beach today I was immediately greeted with a view of fishing boats parked right inside the hut where people hang out on the edge of the beach, these boats are also often used by fishermen to catch fish in the sea.

The weather this afternoon also looks beautiful which makes the scenery here very spectacular and refreshing for the eyes, the sea water and waves this afternoon also look a little big this afternoon, sometimes I also get splashed by waves while standing on the edge of the beach.

While I was observing the beautiful view of the beach and sea this afternoon, I found some beautiful shells with various colors and shapes along the beach that looked very beautiful, I immediately took them to take home as my collection at home.

At first I thought the view in this beach area was ordinary, but I was very wrong when I realized that the later in the afternoon the view here became more beautiful with the view of the deep orange of the sun about to set in the sky above this beach.

The huts where I hang out on this beach have also started to look quiet today because now the clock is showing around 5 pm and people have started to go home, but on the beach it feels like the day is getting longer because here the atmosphere still looks bright and beautiful.

I also saw some fishermen who were still working in the middle of the sea with their small boats this afternoon, the gentle breeze that continued to blow my body while standing on the edge of the beach seemed to make me feel very happy because my mind became happier.

When I decided to go home, now from a distance I saw some fishermen who were very enthusiastic about pulling trawl nets this afternoon.

Because it was getting dark and my house was quite far from here, I finally decided to go home this afternoon.

This is my travel story to a beautiful beach this afternoon with various amazing natural views, thank you to my friends who have visited my travel post today, see you in my next travel post.

šŸ“· PictureSmartphone
ModelSamsung Galaxy A33
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