"Footprints of Friendship: Hiking Adventures on Gullas Drive"


Hello hivers! Allow me to introduce myself again, @amishu, and welcome to my blog. Welcome to my hiking adventure on Gullas Drive with friends. So, grab a seat, cozy up, and get ready for some thrilling stories and breathtaking views!

Please take a moment to read my blog, where you will discover some insightful information and lessons on my next adventure!


This is an unexpected plan because we planned it for that day already. In the morning, it is our schedule to attend the orientation for joining Hive. Since it will only take 1 hour to 2 hours, we decided to visit Gullas Drive in the afternoon and go hiking. So as you can see, we are the only people who go hiking in the afternoon (HAHAHAHAHAH😂) because they mostly do hiking early in the morning.


When it was already afternoon, I started to prepare my things to bring. I started by wearing proper attire for hiking. I filled my tumbler with water, and I also brought some cardaba bananas because my grandmother cooked some, and she said that we should bring some because it will be a long adventure. I already prepared everything that I will need, so I am already waiting for their chats.



When they had already signaled for me to go out, I rushed outside. I just waited for them at home because the Gullas Drive is just located at Abuno Minglanilla, so we just need to have a long hike to arrive there.


When we already meet, they are just laughing and sweating, so I ask them why. They “chika” their experience on how they arrived at Gaisano Mingla; it already passed the street that they should be stopping; they said they forgot which street they would stop on (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA🤣).


We were all laughing because of what happened. When we finished the “chika” and all the laughing moments, we already started walking to Gullas Drive.


We are just starting, but we already feel the exhaustion in the middle of the way. Still, we just continue walking until we slowly see the city view. We walk, and we walk until we reach the halfway point. We decided to take a rest and eat some foods that we brought.


It’s just the three of us—Josephous, Justine, and I—who planned this hiking thing. Josephous brought so many biscuits, like otap and chips delight; I know you are all familiar with those snacks. Justine brought carbonara made by her grandmother. She said that it should be spaghetti, but her grandmother made a small mistake in making it, so her grandmother decided to just cook it as carbonara😅. And I brought a cardaba banana, the one that I share; my grandmother is the one who also cooked it.


After that short rest, we continue our hike until we are almost there. We already saw the cafe that is newly built there; it’s been a long time since I last visited Gullas Drive, and now it's more beautiful.✨


As we arrived there, we were strolling and finding some good spots to sit and watch the beautiful scenery and sunset.🌤️ We also take some pictures because the sunset is really breathtaking.🌅


Definition of beauty.🌤️

When we have already found a good spot to sit in, we take a rest, and the food is brought out so that we can eat after a rest.


We were so happy that time because we safely arrived at Gullas Drive after a long adventure hiking. We are exhausted, but it was all worth it.



The beautiful scenery will always make it better. We ate the food that we brought; we shared everything. All we can feel is happiness. We stayed there longer until the sun was already set and the moon was with us already. It makes the view more beautiful because of the city lights that slowly fill the view.


We were just watching the beautiful scenery when we decided to share some of our life problems. We share and listen to each other. We got too emotional upon sharing. It’s so nice to have someone who will listen to your problems. When Josephous finds it too sad, he makes some jokes and makes us laugh.🥺That day was just too perfect.💗 I feel very grateful that day to have them as my friends. Friends that are true to you—no judging, just understanding.🫶


After that deep talk, we decided to go home after that very long and adventurous journey.🍂✨

As I draw to a close, let us never forget that supporting one another is what will always make us stronger.

Let’s wrap this up and continue our engaging conversations in my next story.


I'm very grateful that you took the time to read my blog post. I'm excited for our more upcoming insightful talk. Stay tuned for more interesting dialogues and captivating stories that will pique your attention!

See you! and have a nice day!

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