Nậm Đăm - A hidden Dzao Village on the Tourism map of Hà Giang

Hà Giang - A province located in the furthest North of Viet Nam, shares the same border with China, with geological structure are mostly rocky mountain, which creates lots of gorgeous scenery.
Just a radom stop in the middle of the pass, every single point in Ha Giang owns its beauty
Furthermore, most of population in Ha Giang are ethnic minority people, with H'Mong people take a large portion. Because of the inconveniences of the traffic, times ago, not many people living in the city travelled to Ha Giang. That's why the ethnic minority villages still maintain their culture quite well.

This lady is a host of a homestay in Ha Giang, she still wears her traditional costume daily.

On another hand, in the past, because of the difficulty of traffic and the rocky geological structure, there is not many suitable land for farming, also not enough grass to raise cattles, most of people in Ha Giang lived a under-standard life, lack of food and drinks.

However, in the recent days, the traffic has been improved, Ha Giang has chance to develope its potential economy, from the harmony of geology and culture: Tourism.
Nowadays, there are more and more people travel to Ha Giang to see the magnificant of the nature and explore the local culture of the villagers, which helps significantly improve the living of the local people.

Today, I would like to invite you guys to visit Nậm Đăm village, where live Dzao people. Nậm Đăm located deep inside the mountain area, so there are not many people heard about it to visit.



To visit Nậm Đăm, we follow the national highway 4C from Ha Giang city to Quản Bạ Town. Right before reaching Quan Ba, we crossed a pass to the Top, which called Sky Gate, because from here, we may see the parnorama of the town, the mountains and rice paddy. Also from here, we might see the land mark of Quan Ba: Double moutain (in Vietnamese: Breast Mountains, you know why :))))


From Quan Ba town, we turned right, went along to rice paddy then went deeper inside the mountains, to Nam Dam village.
When we came there, the first thing impressing us were the harmony of the traditional houses, and the blossom of the peach flowers, also some ethnic people taking photos in the middle of the "Flower forest"






You know, the weather at Ha Giang at that moment was really cold to us, who live in tropical climate: 2 degree Celcius. We like frozen when reaching the village.
But cannot wait to take photo :))




Flowers in the flowers :>

Sis Mèo

We came in group of 8 friends

This is me :))

This lady is the owner of the homstay nearby, also she is the one planting these trees. She asked if we could take photo of her and promote her homestay to our friends

Nam Dam is still a poor village, even a lot of try of the goverment and local people, because this village is surrounded by high mountains, lack of trading, the land is mixed with stone and rock, which is not suitable for farming, and the weather is quite extreme in the winter. Nowadays, with the support of the goverment, some families in Nam Dam village start doing tourism business, by renovate their houses to homestays to serve travellers, based on sustainable tourism.
The cool weather, the landscapes and the rich culture in this village already attract tourists, with the development of sustainable tourism, I'm sure that more and more people know about this place. But how to still develope economic but maintain the tradition is a hard question.




Some homestays in the village. They are traditional houses of the locals, but equiped with modern facilities for guests.

We parked our motorbikes on the side of the road and then walked along village to explore the local life.
When we came, that was the New Year holiday, so the local people gathered at the community area and played lots of game together.

There was a small girl climbing on a tree, looked like she had just cried, we didn't sure why she was there.
We saw her when we walked in, and until we walked out the village, she was still there :))




The young man played a kind of football at the main yard, the boys were the audiences. When we walked across, they invited us to join the match.
YOOOOOO, why nottttt :))


While the young ladies played at a smaller yard, in front of a homsetay.

After the match, we walked more into the village and follow the smaller road. The blossom flower covered all the road with read and white...






Just a walk around the village, we didn't have time to stay overnight at Nam Dam village, but surely that next time we will stay here for a night during our next trip. The village quite impressed us by the richness of the culture and landscape, but most important thing is the friendliness of the local people, who always welcome you to their houses, invite you their best food and drinks of them, even they don't know who you are. I think, it is the pure compassion.

And it's time to hit the road again. That was the end of our visit to Nậm Đăm village, but not the last visit here.

Thank you for coming with me in this visit.
Hope to see you in my next post! <3

Thank you <3

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