Đỉnh Quế - A cool place where we immerse in the nature.

Đỉnh Quế - It's a name of the peak of a mountain located in the Central Viet Nam, where the weather is always cool all year round, with the temperature is just around 20 degree Celcius in the hottest season.
With the tropical climate in the Central Viet Nam, sometimes in the summer, it goes up to 40-42 degree Celcius with 90% humidity, Dinh Que is a heaven on earth with us.

With the altitude 1450m, surrounded by mountains, Dinh Que is a perfect spot for picnic, or camping, in the freaking hot summer.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the last time I visited Dinh Que was 2 years ago, but to get away the crowed in the summer, I came here in the...winter. And lucky for me, the weather that day was perfect, the sky was clear, and the sun shone all day.

We departed from Da Nang city at around 1.30 p.m, after stop by a minimart to get some snacks and drinks, went along the legend Ho Chi Minh trail (now it is 14B National Highway, so the road is much more easier), we got into the mountainous area.

The road went through the rice farm, it was really nice, especially in that weather.

Of course, we stopped at many places for photos :))
This was a small road in the middle of the tea farm. We had been driving for 2 hours from Da Nang, time for butt rest

At the next part of the road, the scenery was stunning, the road was in the middle, one side was high mountain, the other side was a river.

We managed to get down to the river, it was a nice place to have some snacks. We washed our faces and rested for a while. REFRESHED

The temperature was getting lower because the sun was getting down, and we were went higher on the mountains. We arrived Dinh Que right at the dusk after stoped at too many places on the road. :))

The sun was setting down, leaving behind the mountains...

The dusk always brings to us a special feeling...

...setting woods on fire, and of course, some soju, for a warmer night.
That night was quite long, because we slept in a tent, and the weather was freezing. And only our group stayed at Dinh Que

But, who does't want to wake up with this view???

That was a humid night with full of fog, in the middle of the nature. In the tent, we listened to the wind flew through the forest, and the water dropped on the tent, and after a few moments, the sun reached us. Opened the tent, and touched the first sunlight of the day...

The view that morning was marverlous...

Just us, with the nature...

For sure, we couldn't miss the "landmark" of Dinh Que :))
There is legend (or a curse) about photography.

This is how you took a photo of your friend...

...and how your friend took a photo of you.
"Summer in closed eyes" :)
okei, that's enough for me :')

No more photos. Bon appetit!!!
Instant noodles again (always) :))

Just kidding. I'm a good friend. More photos are coming :))

When we left, the rain just came to the mountain from afar

which created a gorgeous scenery...

At that time, we was going to stay at Dinh Que till midday to enjoy the cold weather. But the rain had come, so we decided to left, and went to another road...
From Dinh Que, we didn't went to the road we had come, but went along the Ho Chi Minh trail, to go deeper in the old forest...

feeling little in front of the magnificant of the nature..

a small water stream by the side of the road, flew down the mountain.

We climbed down the stream (you can see the road and the bridge).
Heyyooooo, time to swim :))
(Better that I don't upload those photos)


"Happiness is not a destination, but that is the journey we are going"

There are a lot of small things on your road,
So, go slowly, watch around, and enjoy every moment on your journey, and your life. Sometimes, we may miss some moments that never come twice...

Finally, I'd like to say thank you for coming with me in this trip <3 and hope to see you in my next journey!
Thank you <3
[//]:# (!pinmapple 15.836035 lat 107.382436 long d3scr)

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