• Friends, very welcome to all of you in my travel story. Friends, this is my first post on PinMaple. Although I am not active on Hiway I feel that @pinmapple will support me so I am keeping my content on Hiway. Hope all of you will also support me.
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  • Friends had gone about 180 km away from his home in the last week. My wife had an exam, so I had to go with her from my village Bodeli to Ahmedabad. My village Bodeli is a small village and that's why it was difficult for me to get a direct bus to Ahmedabad from here, so I had to go to Vadodara Central Bus Terminal from here because from there only bus to Ahmedabad is available. So I left my house at 3 in the night to go to Vadodara from Bodeli. Reached Vadodara around 4 pm. Then we boarded a bus from Vadodara to Ahmedabad at 6 in the morning. So this is how our weekend trip started.
  • By the way, it takes 2 hours to reach Vadodara from my village Bodeli, but there is no traffic in the night time, so I reached Vadodara quickly, that is, in just 1 hour. Similarly, while going to Ahmedabad, our bus did not have to face traffic, so due to this we reached before time i.e. at 6 o'clock. But friends, it was feeling very cold because it is cold in India now and it was night time, so it was feeling very cold.
  • My wife's exam was to start at 10 in the morning. We still had 3 hours, so I went with my wife to Sarkar Shah e Alam, the famous Dargah in Ahmedabad where everyone wants to go and people of all religions come here. Only this dargah is very old. It is said that this dargah was built in the 14th century. At the same time, this dargah is very sacred and prayers are never cancelled here. My wife had exams so why don't I pray for her? So I prayed for my wife to pass.
  • This is the door of the Dargah from where people enter the Dargah. This door is very strong and it is said that this door was built in the 14th century. This door was made of strong stone which is not possible to make in today's time. Many storms came to this place and earthquakes happened many times, but this door is still in the same condition and it has not been harmed at all.
  • Entering through the Dargah gate, I took some flowers from him to dedicate to Roza. Then I went to the Dargah and offered flowers and recited the Fatiha. For some time I prayed for my wife and for the peace of this world. Then after coming out of the dargah, I took some photos. On seeing the stone nets on the walls of the Dargah from outside, the heart gets very impressed. Its structure is such that here it does not feel cold in winter and neither does it feel hot in summer.
  • A mosque has been built on the premises of the Dargah and it is said that Hazrat Shahe Alam used to teach children here. People still offer Namaz here and the throne on which Baba used to sit and teach the children is still kept here. These are some minarets of the mosque. You must have been happy to see the design of this tower because in today's century, it is very difficult to make such a design even today and the design of this tower was made when there was no technology like today.
  • There is another dargah on the premises of this dargah and here too they read Fatiha with faith and request for dua. The design of this dargah is also similar to that of that dargah. The white colour dome of this dargah shines more in the nighttime, this is the belief of the people. Similar stone nets have been made on the walls of this dargah, which is a very beautiful piece of fine stone art.
  • It was about 8 in the morning, so I left for college after reciting Fatiha at the Dargah with my wife. I booked an auto from Rapido. Then from there, we left to go. Our auto driver was a very nice person and gave us very good information about Ahmedabad city. On the map, it was telling us to reach in 18 minutes but we reached in 30 minutes due to traffic. After reaching there, I paid Rs 129 for the rickshaw to the rickshaw driver. I gave him 5-star rating for the good nature of the rickshaw driver.
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  • After reaching college, I found my wife's seat number. You must be seeing that here the children are looking for the classroom at the college gate where they have to sit and give the exam. When my wife's exam started at 10 o'clock, she had gone to the classroom and till there I was studying sitting outside. Around 1 pm my wife's exam got over, so we left from there to come back to our house.
  • When we were coming from college to Ahmedabad Depo, we had a chance to see the Sabarmati River. Sabarmati river supplies water to the entire Ahmedabad. A riverfront has also been built on the Sabarmati river, which has been gifted to the people of Ahmedabad by the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi. On this river, the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, built the Atal Bridge in the name of former Prime Minister Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which you can see in this photo as a white-colored bridge. So in this way, Ahmedabad is a very developed city.
  • From college, we reached Ahmedabad Central Bus Stand to come to Vadodara by auto rickshaw. A smart depot has been made there. Vadodara has changed so much in the last 5 years, otherwise, there was no development in Vadodara earlier. This building which looks like a city centre mall or the building which looks like the airport is of Ahmedabad Smart City. Then I reached Vadodara from Ahmedabad. Within no time, I got a bus to my village from the Vadodara bus stand. So around 8 in the evening he had come to his house.
  • Then I had to go on hospital duty at night, so I went on duty and saw that someone had dumped garbage in the compound, so I did not like it. I discarded it as per the guidelines of @cleanplanet and @cleanyourcity and tried to keep my city clean. I did not have a digital watch, so I clicked the photo by taking a smartwatch from my friend @fizz0.

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